Lion of Judah

6 months ago

I believe the rapture could be within the next few years.
This is why.
Isreal became a nation in 1948. The word of God says the generation that sees this will not pass away before all is fulfilled. If the average life span is 75ish to 80 in Isreal, I believe, then we are in year 76. 4 pure unblemished red heifers are currently in Isreal and, as of this year old enough for sacrifice. I heard the Vatican recently returned to Isreal instruments needed for the temple rebuilding and the sacrifice. The United Nations has a 2030 agenda, which I believe is a preparation for Armageddon. Put all that together, and I believe the rapture of the Church/bride of Yeshua could occur within the next few years.
All one has to do is look at the news. Wars and rumors of war being orchestrated by the global elite. Sin being celebrated in the streets, pride parades, men pretending to be women. Satan is worshipped openly. Christian conservatives are being censored and attacked publically on the rise. Then, the vax with mRna, a gene altering vaccine messing with our DNA. It says it will be like the days of Noah
What was happening in the days of Noah? Fallen angels were breeding with the daughters of man. Gods mark is on our DNA.
At no other time in history can the whole world see what's happening on the world stage via technology. Elon Musk creating a chip that can be implanted in a mans brain/head. A non-believer may say this is all progress. I say it's prophecy. Time is near. Do not fear, prepare.

YHWH uses Isreals Calendar.
Passover this year is April 22nd to 30th.
Nisan is from April 15th to 22nd.

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