Constant notifications are ruining your health — 7 tips to ease ‘ringxiety’

1 year ago

Instagram likes, missed calls, unread emails — the pings of texts, apps and even work communications are wreaking havoc on our minds. NY Post reporter Brooke Kato shares this story.

While the addictive dopamine hit of online validation may feel exhilarating in the moment, experts warn that incessant notifications can result in poor mental health.

“The delineation between work and leisure life doesn’t exist anymore,” Adelphi University professor and “Living with Depression” author Deborach Serani told Yahoo Life. “And the ability to reach out and get things in seconds interrupts the developing skills of patience and endurance.”

Adults spend about half their lives staring at screens, reports estimate, and the average American checks their phones an estimated 144 times per day.

“In today’s era, we have pings coming from multiple places, including phone calls, text messages and direct messaging from a variety of apps and social media platforms,” said Dr. Jacques Ambrose, a neuro-interventional psychiatrist and senior medical director at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irvine Medical Center.


#anxiety #technology

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