Paused Squats and Paused Bench Press. Block 1 Week 3

8 months ago

Due to taking an extra shift at the gym on this day, I didn't get an opportunity to train until in the evening, so I decided to take all of my gear with me, and train there, after I was done work, to save a bit of time. I was prepared for this to not go so well, as I personally don't like training in the evenings much, if I can help it, and was a bit tired and out of whack, for having to wait so long. However to my surprise, once I got in to it after my warm-ups, the session itself went fantastically. Very satisfied with how all if this went. Even with the wonky squat rack, and bench press bench we have, lol. Very good day. Squat is feeling pretty much back to where I was at before, and I just feel 110 percent confident that I am going to smoke it, when I get under the bar. Bench like I mentioned before, is suffering and lagging the most, but I was even happy with how these bench sets went, all things considered.

Songs: Normy shit

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