*Jedi hand wave* This is not the Enterprise you were thinking of

1 year ago

Yes, this episode's ad is, in fact, for Railroads Online: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1696810/Railroads_Online/

Star Trek has never been particularly good about keeping their continuity... continuous, but this is a particularly poignant example of how fast things can go off the rails, and then... do it again even after you try to fix it. Like I said, I'm not saying you have to have every little detail perfectly plotted out before you put pen to paper. But maybe, like, I dunno, keep a chart or something. Some kind of Ground Truth document that you keep updating and working inside?

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0:00 Intro
0:55 This ad is a bit interesting and different and whatnot
3:59 On with the show

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