Orlando Mercado orders GT Police to violate citizen's 1st Amendment rights

8 months ago

Council President and local Tyrant attempt to violate citizen's 1st amendment rights to protect someone's feelings. Apparently he thinks its ok to silence things he does not like. Just because he agrees with a resident who claims to feel "unsafe" because of a flyer left on their car (AT THE POLICE STATION, mind you...) he orders the Police Chief to have special officers patrol the parking lots and "make sure people aren't doing things they shouldn't be doing". Such as what, Mr Mercado? Exercising their 1st amendment rights?! This is tyrannical behavior and it needs to be checked! Now in all fairness, the police chief did not act on this. However, he did not stand up publicly to state the police would not be enforcing this order by council. He did come up after the meeting to tell Denise he would never enforce this.

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