TheDimNews LIVE: Friday the 13th | Israel-Hamas War

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.

Qriist Supporter 🪂🪂🪂

h8yourst8 Supporter yoooooo, squashhyyyyy and tenderloin!
thrasybulus Anybody else see that Smoky Mountain Knife Works had a Friday the 13th sale on machetes?

h8yourst8 Supporter cleaver, i mean clever.
thrasybulus Gotta admit, there were several I wanted... for yardwork, honest.

h8yourst8 Supporter we had a couple for land surveying

Qriist Supporter you are alive

Qriist Supporter (fix incoming)

h8yourst8 Supporter terrifying

RonGreen1 They live.
thrasybulus 5 minutes late. That's early on Brazilian time.
thrasybulus Women emotional, never happens.

h8yourst8 Supporter you provide my emotional support

thrasybulus As your emotional support: Lock your emotions down and do your fukcing job. Now!

Qriist Supporter no wait

Qriist Supporter THOTS AND PEARS

Qriist Supporter much better

h8yourst8 Supporter pairs... of bewbs
thrasybulus 80085

Qriist Supporter and that's why calculators were banned on the test

RonGreen1 Alex is wearing an evening gown. I didn't know this was a formal occasion.
thrasybulus The only people talking about human trafficking are conservatives. The discredit Sound of Freedom media tells us it's a conspiracy.

thrasybulus There was a Veritas expose on how CNN realized people had covid fatigue so they were going to switch to climate crisis.


h8yourst8 Supporter it was the last meals you cooked

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey Ho
thrasybulus Paragliders, not parachutes.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly looks like Lily Munster

Qriist Supporter bedsheet that gets fat to slightly ungravity you = parachute, even if it's a paraglider.
thrasybulus Chicago is where you need a gun.

Qriist Supporter With the CHAZ long defunct, We should convince Raz to be Chicago's new warlord.

JQuickDraw Supporter Fun Spooky Friday the 13th fact: If you're a serial killer and you skin a large enough person, with a little preparation, you can use their hide as a parachute.

Egerog witchy vibe tonight

Qriist Supporter Alex is sticky, got it.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's all meant to distract. If they really wanted to talk about trafficking, they didn't need to wait for The Sound of Freedom. They could have been talking about Epstein all along.

Egerog Is there a term for letting a bad thing happen for political ganes

Egerog they say FDR knew pearl harbor attack was going to happen

RonGreen1 Mossad is overrated. They're really no better than any other intelligence agency.

Qriist Supporter mmm hummus

JQuickDraw Supporter Ham-Ass
thrasybulus Often it amounts to "In hindsight you can piece it together from some of the stuff we knew, but hindsight is not foresight."

JQuickDraw Supporter And hindquarters are not foreskin.
thrasybulus Kitty needs lap.
thrasybulus We already send money to Israel, and Palastine, and Iran.

Qriist Supporter the plane is going down, so let's put the emergency oxygen on ourselves first
thrasybulus @qrist So unprogressive.

h8yourst8 Supporter do we get loyalty rewards?
thrasybulus We've taken in a bunch of Muslims for decades now. Remember all those Daesh attacks in the US and Europe under Obama-Biden.

jbsx reddit

JQuickDraw Supporter It's really quite vile. The ruling class is constantly falling over itself to throw money and resources at other countries. But god forbid they spend even a fraction of that money on Americans.
thrasybulus Lots of foreign aid is here is money to buy stuff from our companies, and hire our companies to do these things.
thrasybulus Bidenomics is a great success. It is as vibrant and healthy as Biden himself.

Egerog Maui is a mess

JQuickDraw Supporter It's not Biden, it's a cross-party thing. They ALL send money to people who aren't American. And anyone who dares to mention this is called hateful.
thrasybulus @JQD Not true you ******ist bigot.

Egerog that was before in the 90s In Bosnia

Qriist Supporter I trust the lesbians will save us in combat.

Qriist Supporter Their scissor kicks are *chef's kiss*
thrasybulus The single greatest indicator of near term civil war is unemployed unmarried males.

Qriist Supporter hey that's me
thrasybulus Samantha Power UN ambassador under Obama was their human rights justifier.
thrasybulus Israel and Ukraine both realized too late they had too few gun owners.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Better get to doin war then

Qriist Supporter nuuu

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm not sure about the lesbian thing. Unless you can convince them the enemy are actually their domestic spouses. Wow, that one was really inappropriate. How do I live with myeself?

RonGreen1 The Republic of RonGreen needs more money.

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw 41% chance you end it all over that joke.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well at least it's less than a coin toss
thrasybulus They Gretchen Whitmer entrapment hoax.
thrasybulus 1953 Iran coup to restore the Shah.

JQuickDraw Supporter After he was ousted in the late 70s, he went on to start the comedy musical group Shah Nah Nah.
thrasybulus @Beverly'sIsland is the crossover of two classic shows. Jethro will continue his education under the Professor and Jed will be the richest man on the island.

JQuickDraw Supporter The people are almost always the victims of the actions of governments.
thrasybulus Israel has a 2% private gun ownership rate. US is estimated at 30%.

JQuickDraw Supporter And that's the printed number. It's much higher when you consider illegal gun ownership.
thrasybulus Diversity is our strength, Big Brother says so.

JQuickDraw Supporter Not that I think there's anything wrong with "illegal" ownership of guns.

RonGreen1 Gun rights are human rights.

thrasybulus The arabic word for black person and slave are the same.

JQuickDraw Supporter Do the gay frog globalists want everyone to be gay, or frogs?

RonGreen1 Frag the gay frogs.

Qriist Supporter I can has white people money?

h8yourst8 Supporter verry white. berkshires white.

RonGreen1 Mexico has always been ruled by light skin Spaniards.

JQuickDraw Supporter By that logic, albinos should be our overlords. But sorry, I like caramel skinned women, not black, not white.
thrasybulus Redneck is an ethnic slur against poorer Scots who worked outside were called it by richer English.

JQuickDraw Supporter Yes indeed, and they handed down their culture to black slaves.
thrasybulus No foreign govt wants to try and occupy Appalachistan.

Egerog Gangs vs Aliens from space

RonGreen1 The gangs will join with the terrorists.
thrasybulus A lot of gangs have guys they send into the military. It's a problem.
thrasybulus Sabine Women.

Qriist Supporter Can confirm, thots are stupid and not worth it.
thrasybulus An author used the terms 'conformity enforcers' and 'diversity generators'. We need enough of both, but not too much of either.

Qriist Supporter Counterpoint: Raz was not with BLM or Antifa. He was his own faction.

RonGreen1 Raz from CHAZ?

Qriist Supporter ya

JQuickDraw Supporter He had raz-ma-tazz
thrasybulus Cooking shows are porn for women. They are sensual experiences we will never have.

JQuickDraw Supporter Speak for yourself, I make a mean dark chocolate ganache.
thrasybulus Baking shows are cooking shows.

Qriist Supporter One of my cats was named Razamataz. My mental image that whole time was an indignant but loveable orange tabby ruling the CHAZ insurrection.

JQuickDraw Supporter I would watch the hell out of that show.

RonGreen1 CHAZ was the occupation of Cal Anderson Park in Seattle. Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

JQuickDraw Supporter Every time someone disagreed with your cat, he would scratch their face and hiss at them, and they would fall in line.
thrasybulus Why is it we don't age restrict alcoholic desserts?

Qriist Supporter yeah first i heard of it

Qriist Supporter wait lady finger what?

JQuickDraw Supporter Wait, lady fingers aren't actual fingers? My worldview has been shattered.

RonGreen1 The Donner party ate real lady fingers.
thrasybulus @JQD Explains why they dont go well with BBQ sauce.

Qriist Supporter I like mascarpone as the occasional popcorn topping, in place of butter
thrasybulus Shapiro is a wee bit biased on this one.

RonGreen1 Shapiro burned the pot roast.😂

Qriist Supporter Caveat: Ben didn't actually say that was his source. That was my inference. Should have made that more clear.
thrasybulus Reverse Image Search

Qriist Supporter tineye hadn't indexed the image

Qriist Supporter too new

JQuickDraw Supporter Tineye is okay, you need to use several reverse image search engines and compare the results. Try Tineye, Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.
thrasybulus @Qriist That helps rule out it being an old image.

Qriist Supporter ya

Qriist Supporter tineye is usually the first thing I check
thrasybulus Conditional outrage, how dare you not be outraged at what we tell you to be outraged about.

JQuickDraw Supporter If someone is screaming irrationally about an atrocity, you're morally obligated to believe them, like women claiming they've been raped. Just believe already.
thrasybulus No glove, no love.

Qriist Supporter those gloves just fit weird, especially if you're sweating inside them

JQuickDraw Supporter I tried putting a glove on my penis once. Things didn't go the way I thought they would that evening.


JQuickDraw Supporter Fun fact: You can make dead babies palatable by cooking them with a little brandy. Achievement unlocked: Super dark dead baby joke.
thrasybulus @JQD He didn't want you wearing lambskin gloves huh.
thrasybulus Hillary keeps hot sauce in her purse to flavor the babies Biden licks.

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe that's where I zigged when I should have zagged. The glove wasn't lambskin. I guess nylon chafes the genital region. Live and learn.
thrasybulus This one time at Machete Hockey camp...

RonGreen1 The next Friday the 13th movie will be Jason Converts To Islam.
thrasybulus @RG or listens to Rwandan radio.

Qriist Supporter Being immortal would do wonders for your suicide vest K:D
thrasybulus Kinda hard to become a martyr if you cant die.

Qriist Supporter there's a metal band i like called Fear the Clown

Qriist Supporter (broke up a long time ago though)

Qriist Supporter loool the article didn't mention the credibility jab, did it?

Qriist Supporter nah hitting kids is the best

JQuickDraw Supporter baby goat abuse?

Qriist Supporter put the ENTIRE video in the article, except that 😂
thrasybulus What crime has this clown committed?

Qriist Supporter being funny at the MSM's expense
thrasybulus @qriist So crimes against journolism. A truly grave crime.

JQuickDraw Supporter Crimes against journalism? Oh you mean "doing the lord's work."

Qriist Supporter I once punched an "old hag" character in a haunted house. Almost got my entire group home's outing cut short because the lady wouldn't stop touching me. :D

JQuickDraw Supporter A real old hag's man
thrasybulus Long day. Night you wrongthinking hate speakers.

JQuickDraw Supporter I prefer hatethinking wrong speakers.

JQuickDraw Supporter Is that Robert the Doll?

JQuickDraw Supporter A blood ritual with the doll? Not sure which one is the problem. Probably the doll.

RonGreen1 Pro tip: Don't eat Chinese food before ghost hunting.🤣

Qriist Supporter I just watched that a couple weeks ago

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly doesn't believe in "radio waves." Likely story. Everyone knows there's just a tiny person in the magic pocket talisman from the apothecary Samsung.

Qriist Supporter I didn't want to go so I was already in a foul mood for being dragged there. Then there was some holdup ahead of me which kept me standing in one place by the old hag poking my shoulder.

Qriist Supporter I told her several times to stop. 🤷 ♂️

JQuickDraw Supporter poking, that would be more annoying to me than sexual rubbing I think. I can understand the whole punching thing lol.

JQuickDraw Supporter Women stay around as ghosts to continue their Onlyfans work. Spirit thots are hot.

JQuickDraw Supporter Poker? I don't even know her.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think this is a possible tactic for human females. Don't want to get it on? Fake your death. Problem solved!

RonGreen1 Just get married if you want to end a romantic relationship.

JQuickDraw Supporter Ooof

JQuickDraw Supporter Egg-worthy: A Man's Tale

JQuickDraw Supporter The Pentagon thing is a poisoning of the well. There was a plane. The photos people see are of the second level, or covered with smoke. The whole on the 1st floor was plane-sized.
OakPoke I thought it was hoagie sized
OakPoke howdy, good evening.
OakPoke you two are on twatter?

JQuickDraw Supporter Well the 2nd commission on the Kennedy assassination in 78 ruled that there was indeed a conspiracy, then sealed the files for 75 years for "national security."
OakPoke againstwarfield?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator AgainstWoke
OakPoke :)

JQuickDraw Supporter Kalifia is an average looking woman with overly inflated tits whose gimmick was wearing a hijab while fucking on camera.
OakPoke Sheh as a serious unibrow. Looks like she turned her razor sideways and just took a tiny bit off
OakPoke It's always football

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly's a LOCAL anti-semite. Get it right.
OakPoke possibly.
OakPoke I'm mostly Scandinavian and rep Erickson all the time...but I hate the commies for tearing down our history
OakPoke Are Italians welcome though? ...hmm

JQuickDraw Supporter Some caramel candy is sweeter than others. 🍬
OakPoke No wonder I've been making homemade cheese bread. Thank you grease balls, i love you.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the US should change its flag to the Jolly Roger.

h8yourst8 Supporter i remember the columbus day guy
OakPoke my first gf more than a couple weeks was italian, but she had blue eyes, blonde hair. So idk if that counts. Pasta eaters are ok.
OakPoke Were they communists?
OakPoke If they were communists they probably had it coming

h8yourst8 Supporter want a jolly rancher? go fuck a farmer.

RonGreen1 Did you know Geronimo was an electrician. He put lights in the outhouse on indian land. It made him the first indian to wire a head for a reservation.
OakPoke They want to tear down Paul Bunyan statues in Minnesota. I loathe these ppl
OakPoke @Ron I can't tell if that's a joke.
OakPoke ADL seems to have a bone to pick w/ whites

JQuickDraw Supporter Governments would never lie about dead babies. *cough* incubators *cough*
OakPoke true
OakPoke whoever smelt it , delt it

JQuickDraw Supporter Aristotle said it a long time ago: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

h8yourst8 Supporter dead children. nice segue

h8yourst8 Supporter go right into your standup routine.

h8yourst8 Supporter that whole story is just to prepare people that terrible things are going to happen and none of it will be fair or make sense.

h8yourst8 Supporter so don't lose faith
OakPoke Suppose. Life isn't easy, fair, or easy.

JQuickDraw Supporter The woman's child is like some sort of emotional golem.

h8yourst8 Supporter that's why i disagree with the modern narrative that "fairness" and "equity" are possible
OakPoke right. n always viewed all men are created equal was about, maybe in the eyes of god, as a larp for the french...

JQuickDraw Supporter Fairness is an interpersonal phenomenon. You can be fair within your family, just like you can be communist and disperse everything equally. It doesn't work outside the nuclear family.
OakPoke JQuick I was surprised how well it worked in even smaller towns in europe...not total, but it failed in America first attempt as they were randoms, not like importing a whole town
OakPoke n even still in a family, really it's more a hierarchy right.
OakPoke ALex you could homeschool just make your cat the school warden
OakPoke I should read Job and watch Lawnmower man again...the movie was about Job and playing god.

h8yourst8 Supporter at minimum god allows it to happen

JQuickDraw Supporter If you read the bible, it's pretty clear that god gave over this world to the devil. That's why Satan can tempt Jesus with all the nations of earth if he will just kneel down before Satan.

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah my observation probably applies more to the familial model of the early twentieth century and before, when the family was a very tight unit and it was expected that the children would help out.

JQuickDraw Supporter All our models of living are changing rapidly now.
OakPoke jquick, yes, family.
OakPoke Do you call your husband "The Ginger?"

JQuickDraw Supporter When it comes to gifts, at least at Christmas, I have come to believe that it's for the children. I actually don't need gifts from family and friends, being with me is all I need.
OakPoke Yes, for Lawnmower man. I haven't watched it since I was a that's from memory. I'm going to watch it again now.

h8yourst8 Supporter oddly enough, his name is ginger

JQuickDraw Supporter Someday in the future, Beverly on having kids: "I really like wrapping gifts."

RonGreen1 A paper bag with a little tape is what I consider wrapping.😂
OakPoke Ron I wrapped a gift like that before, but used rope that still had lake stains and algae on it (was tied to an anchor)

JQuickDraw Supporter Fun fact: Expired condoms can be used for wrapping gifts. You can make fun ribbed, glow-in-the-dark gift boxes.

h8yourst8 Supporter led lights don't produce much heat at all

h8yourst8 Supporter this is where they transition to talking about their vaginas
OakPoke lol...well no one likes condoms i don't think...
OakPoke that was kinda funny for once

h8yourst8 Supporter nice cardboard flag

RonGreen1 Our dear leader.🤣

JQuickDraw Supporter Biden's face is looking more and more like a skin mask.
OakPoke The paranormies present have been talking about that for jim carey is playing Biden

h8yourst8 Supporter he mixed up iraq and ukraine

h8yourst8 Supporter he knows the countries don't matter

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey, Obama bombed way more countries, and he didn't confuse them. It's just good form to keep all the countries you're fucking up straight in your head.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well babies come from vaginas

JQuickDraw Supporter Hot women give birth to burnt babies

h8yourst8 Supporter with enough vagina control you could behead a baby

h8yourst8 Supporter like a vagina guillotine
OakPoke Early 20s had sex w/ a gal who had herpes and I found out later. Glad I wore a condom and was angry she didn't tell me, because she knew.

h8yourst8 Supporter that's how mtf get killed

JQuickDraw Supporter One of many cancelled pilots: Surprise! You've got syphilis.
OakPoke wouldn't you smell the open gash? idk usually guys are apparently really really drunk and don't know.

h8yourst8 Supporter all of these confessions should be done mid-thrust

JQuickDraw Supporter or post nut?
OakPoke a streamer named burger planet nailed a t r a n n y...said he figured it out because it was very shallow...gag me with a spoon
OakPoke said he asked and the guy said yes...didn't deny it...burger claims he was very, very drunk

JQuickDraw Supporter lol "Why did you break up with her?" "She was very shallow."
OakPoke seems it's hammered guys that don't figure it out
OakPoke @JQuick lmao

h8yourst8 Supporter is burger planet a flat earther?

JQuickDraw Supporter The hero example is not a good one. Revealing their secret could put the other person in danger.
OakPoke I don't know i don't follow him. he's on youtube.... I browse ip2 clips sometimes...i'll grab a link it's a real site. Degenerate streamers.

h8yourst8 Supporter just have unintimate sex

h8yourst8 Supporter have sex with them in separate rooms
OakPoke streamre list and clips
OakPoke gross ppl with stds and t r a n n ys
OakPoke Burger said it felt like 3 inches deep
OakPoke just a wound that they don't allow to heal. gross
OakPoke Virginity till marriage = no tr8nny mistakes & no stds, if both are virgins. ...ideal world right

h8yourst8 Supporter i heard jordan peterson was shallow

JQuickDraw Supporter JBP is a gay frog. Kermit the frog.
OakPoke clean your room and wash your b8nis

JQuickDraw Supporter Isn't one of the rules something about fucking like a crab?

h8yourst8 Supporter car accident super religiousness is the 3rd leading cause of divorce
OakPoke you're not just supposed to walk out on your spouse we all viewed that one guy as scum for having an affair on his wife while she was dying with cancer
OakPoke john edwards

JQuickDraw Supporter I've said it before, humans are monogamous for the period of time it takes to court, mate, have kids, and raise them. After that, couples often go their separate ways.

h8yourst8 Supporter even if you're running for president

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm so chad, I would calmly walk for president.
OakPoke WHy not change the vows to...unless you have a bad accident...?
OakPoke till death do us part, or unless you get fat hunny, or i get in a bad motorcycle wreck

h8yourst8 Supporter urban goats

h8yourst8 Supporter problem solved
OakPoke Kids makes sense. You two having kids soon? ....Kid Coulter was a movie about rural vs city life and why they divorced...classic G or PG rated movie
OakPoke well not what the movie was about, but it's why the parents were divorced.

h8yourst8 Supporter 36 is the new 12
OakPoke Does that mean tied tubes or jammed things in your arm or taking the pill(s)?
OakPoke can understand the wonder about having kids, sure.

h8yourst8 Supporter you say you're sterile. but your shoulders say, hello boys...
OakPoke lol
OakPoke Driving through chicago on 94 @4am & seeing a guy blasting rap videos in his car on a big screen tv, in 06 maybe, made me think avoid chicago like the plague.

h8yourst8 Supporter we're moving forward in the opposite direction

JQuickDraw Supporter Good call, Beverly. That old woman could have been a gypsy and would have cast a curse on you.

h8yourst8 Supporter thanks for the emotional support
OakPoke Good night and god bless. Have a wonderful night ladies and gents. Don't run while scizzoring

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Alex's Stripe for Donations - Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Alex's Discord -

RonGreen1 Gnite ladies 👋

h8yourst8 Supporter the shinnin

h8yourst8 Supporter but she can't remember the voyage of the demeter

JQuickDraw Supporter haha Willie the Groundskeeper

JQuickDraw Supporter You need to use the Atlantic accent more

h8yourst8 Supporter or the 101st digit of pi

h8yourst8 Supporter trans atlantic

h8yourst8 Supporter they taught it

JQuickDraw Supporter Like the old timey news readers
OakPoke Lodthrop Stoddard maybe, Madison Grant
OakPoke lothrop

h8yourst8 Supporter dateline

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't know why, but that voice is kind of erotic lol
OakPoke Dad i'm hungry, hi hungry i'm 3.14

JQuickDraw Supporter My favorite moment this week is Beverly quoting pi digits in the Atlantic voice.
OakPoke :)

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Hahaha, JQ.

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy mid October
OakPoke Night ladies and fellas

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Byeeee!

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