7 months ago

#consciousawakening #spirituality #awareness #mysteryschool

I am no authority on the public Mystery Schools (check out the work of Dark Journalist or Gigi Young for that) but I have an understanding of the depths of the work that has been left for us moving forward. There is a LEGACY of knowledge and wisdom available to us now at our fingertips thanks in parcel to the internet and where our civilisations technological prowess.

So many awakening people turn to the hippest talking head or an astrologer with no understanding of the process of the life stream of the planetary consciousness, or the readings of Edgar Cayce, or the path of self-remembering from the Fourth Way schools, let alone meditating on the Ennagram!

Rudolf Steiner, perhaps the most prescient of the Mystery School teachers of the twentieth century left us with a body of work that today is unfolding in real time. Yet I have not seen anyone except Gigi Young or Dark Journalist illuminate the work of this incredible mystic and the gifts he left us as we move into the world he perceived a hundred years from when he accessed the Akashic records in the 1920's manifesting in the 2020's.

We need to... and bloody quickly. Steiner's work may well be the most important of all modern mystics if we are to get through this moment in the Post-Atlantean Epoch.

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