Egypt say they warned Netanyahu, so he just let Israel get attacked?

8 months ago

According to Egyptian Intelligence reports, Israeli PM Netanyahu knew the Hamas attack was coming, so he just let it happen anyway?
Right, so possibly the most sinister bit of news coming out of the Israel Palestine conflict currently underway has actually come out of Egypt, because Egyptian intelligence officials are saying that they warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that ‘something big’ was coming from Hamas, yet were repeatedly ignored. Now Egypt remains a neutral party in all of this. Even though they’re an arab country, they act as intermediaries often between Israel and Palestine to reduce the likelihood of conflict, yet Natanyahu has dismissed any notion of Egyptian warnings calling it fake news. Well what incentive is there for Egypt to lie? Netanyahu on the other hand, if he is lying about being warned, has therefore allowed this conflict we’re seeing now to begin and everything that has come to pass thusfar and will come to pass yet, is on him and that would be positively psychopathic.
Right, so Egyptian intelligence have said they had been warning Israel and their leader Banjamin Netanyahu of something big coming from Hamas for 10 days leading up to the start of the conflict, yet Netanyahu is denying it, calling it fake news, not anything factually accurate. The thing is Egypt have no reason to lie about such things, if anything they’ve an incentive to make the warnings since they share a checkpoint border with the Gaza Strip and any warfare conducted against Gaza will result in Palestinans amassing at that Egyptian checkpoint wanting to enter Egypt and escape. 2.3 million people in Gaza, a lot of people for Egypt to have to deal with, so it was very much in their interests to act as intermediaries, make these warnings and yet Israel appear to have completely ignored them. Why? Did Netanyahu just want an excuse to bomb the living daylights out of Gaza? It seems difficult to come to another conclusion, but that’s not even the whole story here, because if true, that means he was perfectly content for his own Israeli citizens to be targeted, injured and killed by Hamas in order to get that excuse. For those of us who have seen social media footage of Israeli’s gleefully celebrating the deaths of Palestinians, this isn’t such a hard thing to believe and if true, would make Israel a leading obstacle to achieving world peace. Also when you listen to the words of those in Netanyahu’s government on such things, it isn’t hard to believe this either. One notable piece of video footage featured Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant, saying ‘We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. There will be no electricity, no food, no water and no fuel. Everything will be closed. We are fighting against human animals and we are acting accordingly.’ No you aren’t. You’re punishing innocent Palestinians for the actions of Hamas and that isn’t the same thing.

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