LR Podcast: Truth and Consequences

9 months ago

Biden freed up $6B of Iranian money. Weeks later, Hamas attacks Israel.
Further proof that the Left never, ever, thinks of the second or third order consequences of what they do. Biden thought he could buy off the Iranians by freeing up that $6B. The Iranians instead put that money to use funding a Hamas war against Israel. One more reason why we need to ⁠#impeachbiden⁠
There are several reasons why otherwise fine, decent people support Leftist causes. Some have simply been brought up in left-leaning homes, thus it's all they
know. Others are attracted to high-sounding principles such as equity and diversity. They conflate forced redistribution of wealth with voluntary charity. Leftism trades upon
feeling much more than logic. Most casual adherents to Leftism simply fail to take leftist principles to their logical conclusion or fail to see the connection between collectivist polices and the problems they cause.
Source used:
⁠Biden administration released billions to Iran weeks before Israeli attack | Just The News

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