香菇腐竹炆鴨~Braised Duck with Fresh Bean Curd Sheets and Shiitake~低碳飲食~風風雨雨安樂圍爐~人煮我又煮~一切從零開始~自學零失敗~

9 months ago


香菇腐竹炆鴨 (4人份)
Braised Duck with Fresh Bean Curd Sheets and Shiitake (4 servings)

📌純文字版簡易食譜 Text-only Recipe:

📌材料 Ingredients:
急凍低温燜煮鴨 Frozen simmered duck 800克(g)
鮮腐竹 Fresh bean curd sheets 200克(g)
香菇 Shiitake 150克(g)
蒜蓉 Minced garlic 1湯匙(tbsp)
薑蓉 Minced ginger 1湯匙(tbsp)
乾蔥碎 Chopped shallot 30克(g)
八角 Star anise 1粒(pcs)
桂皮 Cinnamon 10克(g)
指天椒碎 Chopped red chilli 少許(to taste)
芫茜碎 chopped coriander 少許(to taste)

📌汁料 Sauce:
沙茶醬 Sa cha sauce 1湯匙(tbsp)
蠔油 Oyster sauce 1湯匙(tbsp)
生抽 Light soy sauce 1湯匙(tbsp)
老抽 Dark soy sauce 1湯匙(tbsp)
米酒 Rice wine 1湯匙(tbsp)
代糖 Erythritol ½湯匙(tbsp)

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