ACIM Movie Gathering (Contact) 10/8/23

8 months ago

Join us for a mind blowing, evocative and epic movie with ACIM commentary and Keynote:

✨Contact ✨- with Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey, and James Woods.
This film is a thrilling ride into the light of higher purpose and deeper listening. It depicts the earnestness and determination that is required in our search for truth... Clearly showing us the importance of formulating a clear goal, keeping it in mind, and persevering until it is reached. And we’ll see how the desire for meaningful contact with what lies beyond, must include meaningful communication with those around us, regardless of our seeming differences.

✨For those of us who have been practicing the daily lessons from the Workbook of A COURSE IN MIRACLES:
This class will inspire renewed commitment and increased zeal, to continue our practical application of the workbook lessons through the holidays with God’s strength carrying us into the new year... ✨

The take home value of our movie watching will be reflected in these wonderful ACIM themes:

1. Listening is always answered. (We can always listen more deeply.) Listening and following is a happy way of life, which takes willingness and perseverance, yet brings profound peace and meaning.

2. Collaboration is essential, but must be intelligently guided in order to reveal the truth.

3. Recognizing we truly don’t know anything, is to recognize a grand Intuitive Intelligence that knows perfectly what is best for everyone, in each of our decisions.

In deepest listening, grace and love,
Brian and Alexandra✨💞✨

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