Police Learned Valuable Lesson After Handcuffed Woman Manages To Escape

7 years ago

So, its a "normal" day out on the job for these police, at least as it seems. But this time it looks like they've run into something unexpected.

Here we have some lady that has been caught shoplifting after which she has been cuffed and placed in the back of the police truck. The police officers thought that their job had been done but obviously were too quick to judge. This girl had a talent which no one was aware of. She had managed to undue the cuffs, find a tiny opening to the front, through which she squeezed and decided to take the trick for a get away ride.

It looked as if her plan had worked perfectly which it did as far as the getaway but no much more then that. After she rode the truck through the city, couple of parks, running trough traffic, red lights, intersections and overall creating a huge mess, the police weren't ready to give up until after a long battle they had once again successfully managed to arrest her. Only this time,l they made it very certain that she had no where to go.

Take a look as she goes on the most intense get away and risks hundreds of lives.
This video will have you on your toes as it is certainly surreal.

This shoplifter was able to make a daring, police car-stealing escape all because of one little police oversight. Let's just say this police department changed all their cars after.

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