8 months ago


Culture: A set of learned values, beliefs, customs, and practices that are shared by a group and are passed from one generation to another.

Question: What does Kingdom Culture / Ekklesia look like?

Kingdom Worldview and Culture: We are a very diverse group of people from different backgrounds and walks of life. If diversity is the spice of life, then we must be willing to develop an appetite for those who represent more exotic flavors and tastes than ourselves.

'Kingdom Culture / Ekklesia' is a Spirit-led, biblically based family of Yahweh, embracing every nation, tribe, people, and language, committed to worshiping and living out Kingdom values in community together.

We must begin to understand that if we are ever going to become one new man in Him, we have to identify with one another in Messiah, and become a part of His 'Kingdom Culture.'

Kingdom Culture is Influenced by a Kingdom World View...

"Kingdom culture is more a family structure, and Ekklesia is community of believers in which all have all things in common." ~ Andre Johnson

Kingdom Culture/ Ekklesia is strongly influenced and deeply impacted by the five ordained ministry gifts of Yahshua, which include seven supportive ministry anointings. These allotments of grace are integral parts of the ongoing work of true apostolic ministry at both the local and regional levels.

Until we understand that the twelvefold ministry gifts of Yahshua are also a part of the body that is being adjusted and aligned, we will continue to make them special appendages who serve our every need.

The twelvefold ministry gifts of Yahshua are sons and elder brothers who have come to a better understanding of the way of the Father's heart by Holy Spirit.

They are not entitled positions mostly based on the aspiration of assumption.

The sons of the Kingdom are resonating on a different frequency than the world of religion around them, and the sound that is emanating forth from them is the language of the SON and the SPIRIT.

"Kingdom culture is independent living in the fullness of Christ as sons or daughters. I call this flow state. Ekklesia is flow state with kingdom relationships harmonizing." ~ Shawn Dykes

Ordained, Covenantal, Relationship, Marriage and Family are the same in the Spirit, and it is the only kind of relationship that has the ability to reproduce after a Yahweh kind. Since ordained covenantal relationship, marriage and family are the only way to reproduce after a Yahweh kind, what about the way we relate needs to change?

"If our gathering together unto Him is about fulfilling some religious need, then life will keep us lacking, wanting and coming behind."

{“The doctrines and traditions of man” declare that - If you are born-again and going “to church”, that IS Kingdom Culture. True Kingdom culture lives in direct relationship with, and under the reign of, Jesus Christ as Lord and King - the resurrected Messiah. One Body. One King. One Heart. Doesn’t mean we are perfect. But we are obedient to the King (Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ). Counterfeit “kingdom culture” is all about the “outward appearances” but neglects the heart. “The doctrines and traditions of man” declare that - If you are born-again and going “to church”, that IS Kingdom Culture. ~ David Smith

{"Relationship, Relationship, Relationship!" Matthew 7:23 Jesus addresses the importance of first knowing Him. Relationship is NOT to be taken lightly. In fact, He says there will be many that will not make it into His Kingdom and why…He never knew them, He never had a relationship with Him. He says they’re workers of iniquity. Their heart is not surrendered fully to Him. They’re still doing things of the flesh that they want to do.

If we are truly connected, surrendered and in relationship with Him then we’ll want to do what we see and hear Him doing. That will translate into relationships with our family in The Kingdom of God} ~ Jeff Anderson
Balance cannot be achieved until that which is being over-emphasized is challenged by that which is being under-emphasized.
TRUTH is TRUTH before and after we adjust our present position based on further enlightenment.

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