Vatican and Lucifer cult

8 months ago

Vatican and Lucifer cult

Welcome, dear ladies and gentlemen to our media commentary „The Vatican and Lucifer cult“
What was revealed in 1992 already by the Mexican weekly newspaper “Proceso” caused a stir in the countries anew: From the mouth of the Grand Commander of the High Council of the Freemasons of Mexico, Carlos Vazquez Rangel, one may have heard back then – I quote literally - “Within the eight blocks of Vatican there are no less than four loges of the Scottish Freemasonry”. A pater said in this connection that in certain countries where the Church is not allowed to act freely it is the Freemason loges who secretly run the business of the Vatican.

In the course of comprehensive research and outreach efforts these days strong evidence is brought together that brings to light these tight connections between the Vatican and the Scottish Freemasonry.
Were those decades of fights between the Catholic Church and the Freemasonry only tactical fake battles in front of the public?

The public was also kept from knowing who the creator of the greatest Freemasonry rite, the so called Scottish Rite in its present form is: It was none other than Albert Pike. Albert Pike was an observant satanist and was also known as co-founder of the Satanist Church. During the years 1859-1891 Pike was the Grand Commander of the Scottish Freemasonry. Exactly this, undeniable connection stirs the countries around the globe: Because Albert Pike wrote in his Freemason main work “Morals and Dogma” : „Yes, Luzifer is God … Luzifer, God of Light and God of good is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil .. !

In further unmistakeable words Albert Pike declares Satan, that is the devil, as good and the Creator God of the Bible as evil. This is very alarming indeed for many people. While there always was rivalry between the Vatican and Freemasonry presented outwardly, it came to light that the 33-day pope John Paul I who was supposedly killed in a ritual murder, himself was an active Freemason. John Paul I recommended the Lucifer Freemason G. Carducci as an example for the youth who created the widely known hymn for Satan: “And now the miters and crows shake! Hail to you, Satan, O rebellion, O revenging power of rationality”. Carducci was founder of the propaganda freemasonry in Italy and also founded the Propaganda Due, the P2-lodge in Rome, whose members later included John Paul II. In January 1996, the Grand Orient of Italy awarded John Paul II the “Galileo Galilei award”, the highest award of the Italian Freemasonry. Explanation: the so-awarded always stood in “for the values of universal freemasonry” during his “pontificate”. In connection with this watch further witness statements about this much disputed and secret Lucifer worship in the Catholic Church also under “Education Uncensored”. For a better understanding we compare the precise wording from the Oxford Dictionary of the key word Lucifer. For until now the proper name Lucifer was only known in Latin. This name was always the proper name of Satan, that is the devil. But when this name INCREASINGLY and openly is presented in the Latin worship – it is a very clear statement! But read and watch yourself: Lu¦ci|fer, from Latin, another name for Satan (definition of the Oxford Dictionary). So the Oxford Dictionary defines Lucifer as the Latin name of the Devil or Satan.
While the Latin speaking precentor sings freely and openly about Lucifer at the Easter vigil (during the Exsultet), the texts of the Catholic chorus books disguise the name “Lucifer” as “Morning star”. But the Latin Bible, the Vulgate only uses »stella splendida matutina« as morning star (for instance for Jesus). The recognition of this apparent disguise of “Lucifer” is leading to a world wide indignation now. Because if you stick to the age old definition of the Oxford Dictionary the Catholic precentor in its liturgy sings nothing else than “Lucifer, with his flames he may appear at the morning. This Lucifer, I emphasize, who does not know doom, Christ your son who has come back from below. He illuminated humankind with serenity and lives and reigns in eternity.”

An ever-growing mound of proof that the Catholic church is in reality worshiping and honoring Lucifer as the true head of the church has found more fertile ground. And on top of this, tha largest space telescope in the world named Lucifer is making headlines. Who does it belong to? The Vatican; but see for yourself.

from is.
„Proceso“,25. 10. 1992
Albert Pike, Moralsand Dogma, Neuausgabe von 1966; NT: Offb. 2,24
SAKA-Informationen 3/88
Fr.Heyer. Konfessionskunde, Berlin 1977
Bernhard Hülsebusch in: »die Rheinpfalz« (Ludwigshafen), 15.1.1997.
Pier Carpi: die Prophezeiungen von Papst Johannes XXIII, Rom 1976

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