they nay say cos they dunno the true joy of loving God

9 months ago

don't worry, it ain't coca cola
the light of regular ass water (or coconut water)
i used to drink coke til 7am
i got another bathroom leak
i always know when i am stressing somebody out
helicopter parents, they can't help it
i guess i will always be their baby, tho
my dad didn't have to say it
my coffee will be all over the place if i don't do this to you vortex
turn pike yes...damn these voices are funny (to me anyway)
every control freak has a savior complex
at least my dad is honest (once again we are polar opposites and yet we meet on these few things)
luckily my dad ain't stupid enough to use twitter
very very small % use _____ in a way that doesn't kill them
they care about whatever is convenient for them to care about
medical system has one size fits all approach
behavioral trends are pretty easy to predict if you just pay attention
the majority dunno how to use the internet to do adequate research
terrible that it had to take all that but...
they reacted to "covid" and responded to V injuries
it takes what it takes, man
you just never know where you will end up, God is too funny
i joined the Orthodoxy over that shot haha
i did try out the Catholic Church
it really depends on the priest
i fit in somewhat, never all the way
i got the Orthodoxy immediately
Divine Liturgy is such a breath of fresh air

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