Your Top Snacks Low carb strawberry smoothie | Ingredients.

7 months ago

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Your Top Snacks: Low-carb strawberry smoothie
You can easily make a low-carb smoothie with the right ingredients.

For example, strawberries are a delicious low-carb fruit. One-half cup (83 grams) of sliced strawberries provides just 6 grams of carbs. To make a low-carb strawberry smoothie, blend the following together:


1 cup (240 ml) of unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup (83 grams) of fresh strawberries
1/4 cup (24 grams) of a low-carb protein powder
1 tablespoon (15 grams) of chia seeds
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a few ice cubes


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