Who is the HIGH GOD in Psalm 82?

11 months ago

#Yahweh #MostHighGod #divinecouncil

Scholars argue that in Psalm 82, Yahweh and El are separate deities. El is the head of the council and Yahweh is one of the assembled gods. They argue this point by noting the verb “stand” in V1. 82:1 “God stands in the divine assembly; he pronounces judgment among the gods.” The NET renders this verse “God stands in the assembly of El; in the midst of the gods he renders judgment.” The high god would be seated as judge. The fact Yahweh is standing proves he holds an inferior status and is acting as prosecutor, or so they say. However, if we are going to focus on Yahweh’s posture in V1 we also need to pay just as close attention to his posture in V8. 82:8 “Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!” The psalmist asks Yahweh to rise up. This statement requires him to have up to this point been seated. This places Yahweh as the Most High God presiding over the council from the very beginning.


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