10.4.23- CENTRAL BANKS, Trump as SPEAKER_ Remdesiv@R, Climate HOAX, ALERTS, Pray!

8 months ago

EXCLUSIVE LAWYER UPDATE: Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices

Video Of Kevin McCarthy Being Removed As Speaker Of The House Today

JUST IN - Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry angrily gavels the House in recess after Kevin McCarthy's removal as speaker https://t.me/AGENT_A1/146752

The level of spellcasting, subliminal messages and mind control that was used at U2's latest concert at the new Sphere venue in Las Vegas will blow your mind. https://t.me/AGENT_A1/146767

Australian senator, Alex Antic, utterly obliterates the "man-made climate change" hoax in the Australian parliament. https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/53900

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