Bill Gates – More illusion than reality

9 months ago

Valued viewers, I would like to welcome you here to Augsburg, Germany. I am currently in the Fuggerei. The Fuggerei is the world's oldest social housing complex still in use. In 1521, nearly 500 years ago, it was funded by Jakob Fugger, known as "Jakob The Rich". The Swabian merchant family Fugger have their headquarters here - in the Free Imperial City of Augsburg since 1367. This family of merchants were early capitalists - were involved in the banking business, invested in mining, trading with textiles and slaves and were even engaged in the sale of indulgences for the Catholic Church. At the 2000th anniversary celebration of the city of Augsburg, the Fugger family was honoured for their former social projects. The Hans Böckler Foundation – part of the DGB (German Trade Union Confederation) found out however that this family had violated the former Anti-monopoly Act; they also manipulated the election of the emperor and did not refrain from bribery nor contract killing. In order to conceal these intrigues, they established the Fuggerei foundation. Investing 25,000 gulden, they provided housing, so that 100 of the 3,000 impoverished Augsburg families could have a home. But this was only a small amount of money for the Fuggers! they spent 20 times more than this only to manipulate the elections of the emperor - more than 500,000 gulden. Valued viewers, back then just as today, wars are waged, murders committed, elections manipulated and atrocities are concealed under the guise of humanitarian aid – all for money and power. The only difference from the past is that today alternative media like Kla.TV reveal those things in time so that they can be changed.
Now over to my colleague from studio Nuremburg.
Bill Gates – more illusion than reality. The story about the Fugger Family is not only history but highly topical, repeating itself again in our day in the intrigues of the American entrepreneur Bill Gate. Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world, founded the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” in 1999. With assets of 43.5 billion dollars (in 2014)* this worldwide largest foundation engages in healthcare projects, education projects and in food projects. So, is Bill Gates a saviour then, who donates his money for the benefit of mankind? The non-government organization “Global Justice Now” answers this question as follows: "Analysis of the BMGF’s** programs shows that the foundation, whose senior staff is overwhelmingly drawn from corporate America, is promoting
multinational corporate interests at the expense of social and economic justice. Its strategy is deepening – and is intended to deepen – the role of multinational companies in global health and agriculture especially, even though these corporations are responsible for much of the poverty and injustice that already plagues the global south". In Africa for instance large agricultural enterprises buy huge land areas from the governments of the countries so that they are then no longer available for the local farmers. Once again a foundation appears to serve mankind, when in reality it only supports the interests of multinational corporations.

from pg./gz.

** BMGF: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Italic text taken from:,
page 7, 2nd paragraph.

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