Bear Thief Enjoys The Taste Of Delicious Birthday Cake In A Backyard

7 years ago

Plenty of Americans are familiar with small rodents rummaging around in their trash, and it's quite a hassle trying to find ways to prevent them from coming in the first place. It's even more so of a hassle when said rodent leaves behind an atrocious mess for you to clean up, while the animal responsible gets off scott-free. Some people, however, have slightly 'bigger' animal problems. No, we're not talking about the occasional oversize rat or raccoon, we're talking along the lines of... well, a bear! That's right, as ridiculous as it sounds, some people actually do find bears in their backyards, trying to find a bite to eat. You can look no further than the backyard of 35 year old Jennifer.

In August of 2016, just about three days before her 34th birthday, Jennifer was sadly diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer. On August 27 of 2017 however, she thankfully made it to a year after her diagnosis, and she was able to celebrate her 35th birthday. She and he husband threw a very large party, with about 125 people, in their backyard. Just as they finished cleaning after the party, they noticed something big coming their way, and presumably hurried inside. Then, to their dismay, they see a big, black bear making his way through the backyard. It's not entirely clear what he's there for until we're introduced to a different view of the bear, where we see the bear has discovered Jennifer's birthday cake.

The kind of sugar that we eat in our food is a lot different from the sugars found in nature. Compared to the sugar in fruit, table sugar is more refined and enhanced, and its addicting even to us. So imagine a bear, who may have never had human sugar before, discovering a giant sheet of cake full of it; he's going to have a field day. Although there's quite a fraction of the cake that has already been eaten by Jennifer's party guests, there's still a lot left, which is good and bad for the poor bear. As mentioned before, most animals aren't used to human sugar, so this bear will become addicted and won't stop eating. He will also have to suffer a very bad stomach ache and an unfortunate case of diarrhea because his digestive system will not be able to handle the baked good.

The video of the bear eating continues on for a while, and the bear shows no signs of stopping. At one point a dog starts to bark at him, but the bear remains unbothered and uninterrupted. It may be a hilarious moment for you the viewers, but as a child the camera states, seems like Jennifer needs more than just 1/4th of a sheet of cake and now has to go through the trouble of getting another one. Another person behind the camera also expresses disappointment, stating that he was going to eat the cake himself.

Towards the last bit of the video, the bear appears to have flipped the last chunk of cake onto the grass with the board on top. We had hoped that this would cause him to become disinterested, but to our shock, he is encouraged by the child behind the camera as he simply flips the board over and resumes his dedicated consumption. We aren't sure what happens after that, but one thing we are sure of is that we'll be shaking our heads and face-palming for the remainder of the day.

To all of our viewers, especially those of you who currently live in Connecticut where Black bears are increasingly becoming more common, these animals are very dangerous and can be life threatening. If you suddenly encounter one in your backyard, avoid eye contact and be sure to walk to safety, never run away from a bear because it is very possible they will pursue you. If the bear is accompanied by cubs, do not provoke them in any way and stay as far away from them as you possibly can. Once you're in a safe place, it is best to wait for the bear to leave before go outside again. We hope that everyone stays safe for the remainder of the summer, and be sure to keep your backyards free of food so that bears are less likely to make surprise visits.

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