12 Month Repeat and Referral Real Estate Lead Cash Flow Machine (Part 2)

1 year ago

This is part TWO of a TWO part series that will deliver to you your exact twelve month Centers of Influence and Past client plan. This is the SAME plan used by many of the top agents in all price ranges and market conditions. 

Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris? https://whylibertas.com/harris or text Tim directly 512-758-0206

IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris's Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching https://members.timandjulieharris.com


Your Communication Plan.  What will your system be? 

CALL your database regularly.  Your ideal daily schedule (created by you when you follow the Real Estate Treasure Map), calls for a daily number of contacts to your database.  5 per day is easily accomplished, so start there and do more if you can!
Make it a Daily Standard.  Take the total number of people in your database and divide by 20.  This tells you how many you should call per day in order to make contact with everyone every month.  20 is the number of business days in each 30-day period.  If that number is too big, then divide by 40 or 60 so you can contact everyone every 60 or 90 days.  You can contact using the auto dialer or simply call your database until you make the required contacts daily on your own. 

Ready to become an EXPIRED Listing Agent? As promised, here is the discount link for the EXPIRED LISTING LEADS: https://www.redx.com/affiliate/tim-and-julie-harris/?aff_code=670699

Use KV Core plus ‘Making it Rain’ if you have it, or Happy Grasshopper or Contactually to regularly email your database.  None of these are expensive and when you’re with EXP you get KVCore for free.  We said electronic communication is unreliable and should never be your only spoke, so remember this is in addition to calling, not instead of calling!
Send specific videos to your database emails.  This can range from market report videos to just listed, just sold, or ‘wanted’… your home for my motivated buyers.  The list is endless. We have done many podcasts for you on this topic.
Use Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and other social media as a supplement, not as a spoke.  Friend your past clients, be supportive but not stalker-y.  Remember, this is a support item, not a stand-alone spoke.
Decide which client appreciation events you will commit to and perfect.  Decide if these will be monthly, quarterly, or yearly.  More on that coming up!  This will be on tomorrow’s podcast and is included in Premier Coaching.
Learn and use the F-O-R-D memory jogger for your conversations… Family / Occupation / Recreation / Dreams.  These topics frame your conversations and make it much easier for you to ask for business in a natural, conversational manner.  It keeps your ego at bay and makes the discussion all about them.  Real estate will come up on it’s own, and you’ll always remember to ask: ‘Who do you know who could use my help buying or selling real estate?’

REAL ESTATE LEADS, LEADS and more LEADS: Question: What is Tim and Julie Harris's favorite PROBATE LEAD PROVIDER? Simple, https://alltheleads.com/harris

Secret:  Avoid dependence on electronic communication! There’s no guarantee they got it, opened it, looked at it, or watched it.  It's too passive and unpredictable.

How to Set Up Your Database (so you’ll actually use it!)

Use KV Core or another CRM to set up and maintain your database.  Take the time to gather phone numbers, email addresses, and social media information for each entry.
Who goes into your database?  Enter your past clients, people from your sphere of influence, and adopted clients into this list.  Adopted clients are buyers who bought your listings. They worked with another agent (most times) but you are adopting them.  Treat them like your own.  You can also add your professional sphere of influence like home inspectors and mortgage lenders.  Add details to each person to help you remember them.
Commit to adding at least five new people per week to this list from your closings, clubs, meetings, organizations, etc.  Get into the habit of exchanging information on the spot when you make new connections.  You can create ‘micro lists’ using What’s App.  Examples of this are your kid’s 4th grade class parents or your 5 best golfing buddies.  


00:00 - Intro
00:34 - Open your mind
05:13 - Focus your energies
08:00 - Speak with all of your contacts regularly
11:39 - Centers of influence and past client lists
15:44 - Meaningful conversations
20:10 - Expand your center of influence
24:27 - Like and subscribe

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