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Naomi Wolf

1 year ago

Naomi Wolf graces the Bannon War Room WATCH

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • MR BANNON? What if there won't be an election in 2024? What if the War Powers Act is invoked and elections are canceled? What about the architects of the Russian Bolshevik genocide in 1917? What if their great-grand-children are now foaming at the mouth to do this in America and Canada? Is there - or is there not - a relation between this and 86,000 I.R.S. agents with military-grade weapons? Why do the Dems own the Alphabet agencies, academia, Federal Administrations, and public-school curriculums ages 6 - 16? Why aren't schoolchildren educated about avoidable illnesses? Evidently, this nurtures the avoidable illness sick care industry! 160 million Americans don't have 400 dollars for an emergency expense? WHY? Why are there so many Americans who went to public school as required by law, and then became career renters and debtors? Isn't Democrat Party youth miseducation responsible for the fact that America cannot figure out or 'think through' hypersonic missiles with nuclear warheads? Isn't this weak American math/science skills? Why do Conservative pundits give life-endangering time-wasting opinions in an authoritative manner through the mass media while ignoring youth miseducation? Why are they all in sync criticizing the Chinese Communist Party? It's not the Chinese who have been writing public school mis-education curricula the past 80 years. It's the "AMERICAN LEFT", not the Chinese! What say you Mr Bannon and ALL THE OTHER TOP AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE PUNDITS? Not only WHAT say you but WHEN say you? When will YOU wake up and attack miseducation - the Achilles heel of the "Left"? I'm waiting for an answer. AND SO IS THE EXISTENCE OF THE U.S.A.! Finally, just to show you how really far gone and 'far-out' America has become, isn't "Lawfare" just a label for miseducated lawmakers making millions of laws (and dollars) to legislate miseducated human behavior? M.I.S.E.D.U.C.A.T.I.O.N. It's the Achilles heel of the Democrat-Cum-Bolshevik-Left. Amputate it!

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