if you don't know yourself you will be manipulated (can't stress it enough)

9 months ago

the pixies, surfer rosa (1988)
i have sought solutions all my life n the only one that really works is trusting God
my life used to be so chaotic, man
so lucky to get outta every last dilemma that i willingly put myself in
switched lanes all to piss me off
it's always all about me
i can still complain WOMAN
women complain better than they can bake a cake
women are natural born psychics
most of the time women's nature is used for bad
SPOILER: i prove how emotional i am later on in this video
this channel is 37yrs of internalizations n being pissed off w/out telling anyone
don't let anyone know about that emotional meltdown
there's no way that this song isn't about incest
i got no lips, i got no tongue, where there were eyes there's only space
fucked up lyrics in a very catchy song
remember when they used this song in some apple commercial n it's literally about a big ass penis (gigantic, a big big love)
victim mentality enables all types of addiction
i accidentally press controls all the time
i am a heyoka indeed
sacred clown just makes sense, not a witch
the drugs i chose were the enlightening ones
i'm talking specifically about anti-depressants here
making medical decisions based on what society thinks
i stopped taking the pills pretty early on
psychiatry is literal mind control
not much i can do for those that trust authority figures
lack of motivation AND discipline
everyone is a woman since everything has been feminized
it's really hard for me to eat so i make smoothies to slurp on
it is actual food tho!
this is the only thing people know about the pixies
david fincher is an amazing director
old people holding hands is the sweetest thing in the whole world
i forgot it in 30seconds
are people excessively documenting cos they're afraid they will forget
this culture is alzheimers
long covid ain't just a respiratory infection
this is what doctors do to the public
being conspiratorial is based on instinct not information
i get very annoyed w/ these people but i know that it's good that they finally saw the light
people want a damn certificate all for "waking up"
calling them all shitheads ain't very Christian but...
please pray for kelsey, he just lost his dad
being emotional is not a problem, playing victim about it is
women make their emotions everybody else's problem
i understand that women don't understand their nature
astrology is a lot like dog culture for women
clary sage will balance a bitch out
they really dunno better, the ones that do take my advice
they don't wanna work for what they want, if you don't find it yourself it won't mean shit
propaganda (plastic dinosaur) comes w/ me everywhere
i was right, it got busy in 20min
i'm here for women but i won't tell you what you wanna hear
the system has indoctrinated women to believe that they're always n forever victims
white men n loving devoted fathers but mainly the kids
the whole point is to screw over the children
if they truly cared about kids they'd wanna be an example for them not just always staring at their little portable tv/computer/dope man/slot machine/casino/strip club/portal into Hell
*i was gonna shoot this dude walking on his phone but the camera slipped n fell on the ground, that's why this video ended abruptly

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