Game Changer Heavy bag Vs. Light Cole-Tac bag

8 months ago

So after the first match, I was made aware of a hole in my gear that could be filled with the Armageddon Gear Game Changer bag. On the tree stage, I was more unstable than I would have liked. I was also doing it for the first time, so that was part of it. But I got to try laying my rifle on someone's Game Changer and the way it just sat there was quite impressive. I went ahead and ordered the Heavy Shmedium size in the waxed covering. It's much heavier in weight and the design does seem better for the tree prop. I also added the bra and found that I could use my Cole-Tac Backbone and attach it to my chassis.
I wanted to run the same 4 positions with the light and heavy bags, both handheld and attached. After my test shown here, I'm much more confident that in a stage like this tree, I'll be using this heavy bag attached. It was my fastest time by far. Easier to move positions and the rifle was quicker to get stable and settled in.

If you see anything I need to be doing differently, please let me know! I'm wanting to get all the constructive criticism I can and work on learning these skills. I'm mostly just teaching myself as I go and listening to suggestions and trying to implement them. I'll find my own style and what works best for me as I go, but until then I want to try everything and find what sticks!!

I appreciate you watching and spending a little time here with me. Let me know if you have any questions. My next match will be on October the 8th, and hopefully I won't be so scatterbrained that I forget to film it. I should be able to set up my camera and at least get a few stages on film and share that with you all. I'm sure I'll mess up a lot, but my goal is to get more hits than I did in the first match, and try to finish in the top 5 of the group. Going to be hard this time with a few more people expected to be there.

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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