No Such Thing As The Amazon A10 Algorithm! | SSP #450

8 months ago

In episode #450 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley invites the “Professor of Amazon” Howard Thai back on the show to discuss all things Amazon Algorithm Related.

One misconception that’s cleared up is that there is no such thing as the Amazon “A10” algorithm. We go into where this terminology came from and, more importantly, what are the top things to keep in mind for optimization your listing for the Amazon Algorithm in 2023.

Signalytics has been at the forefront of using AI since before it became “stylish” to do so, and Howard talks about interesting things they have been using it for such as doing heatmaps on listing pages to see what buyers do after getting on a product page.

In episode 450 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley and Howard discuss:

02:56 – Is there a Such Thing as the A10 Amazon Algorithm?
04:50 – What are Differences of the Amazon Algorithm in 2023?
07:10 – Absorbing Keyword Ranking Juice of Competitors
08:40 – The Importance of Adds-To-Cart and Off-Amazon Traffic
12:10 – What Parts of Listings are Most Important
15:20 – Howard’s Launch Strategy
19:20 – How to Get Amazon’s Choice Badges
22:00 – How Howard is using A.I.
25:10 – More A.I. Use Cases for Amazon Sellers
26:00 – What are Black Hat Sellers doing in 2023?
28:00 – Can You Protect Against Fake Reviews?
28:45 – Howard’s Hobbies and Health Routine
30:53– Howard’s Sixty Second Tips

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