Keir Starmer has just gone further than Suella Braverman on Equalities.

9 months ago

Unbelievably, Keir Starmer's regime has managed to out-do Suella Braverman on equalities issues. Here's what he's done.
Right, so if you thought Suella Braverman’s hate-filled invective turning on the rights of the LGBTQ+ in her US speech was bad enough, Keir Starmer has gone even further in a show of absolute authoritarianism and in a bid to gain control of even more local constituency parties, the CLPs, he’s shrinking the size of their executives by stripping equalities reps of their executive positions, much like he’s been shrinking the size of his own party, driving members off in their droves by design or by choice. We know Labour CLP’s have across the country become disfunctional, unable to run, so is the shrinking of the management a bid to get them running again? If so though, surely the workload on executives will become unmanageable? I was a Labour Party disability rep once upon a time, I know the work involved, or is it going to be streamlined by binning equalities issues entirely and what will that say about the party under the Starmer regime, if things like homophobia, transphobia, racism, women’s rights, BAME rights, disability rights and all the rest of those important equalities matters that have for so long been deemed important enough to require bespoke elected individuals at local level? What does this say about the Labour Party now?
Right, so the LGBTQ+ community are rightfully up in arms about Suella Braverman’s despicable conduct, her venomous speech in America, because she didn’t dare say it here where she can be debated on such things, but if you thought Labour, despite the shadow Home Secretary very much being Little Miss Immigration Mugs Yvette Cooper, would be better, surely better than Braverman, then the signs actually are that Keir Starmer could oversee a regime that’s even worse. So much for Starmer once saying his Labour was patriotic, a party of equality and not protest, it's now a party of neither equalities nor protest, so what’s so patriotic about that? Shoving another union flag up your backside won’t quite cut it I’m afraid.
Now regular viewers will be familiar with various local incidents of control freakery popping up in constituencies up and down the country, with left wing candidates being frozen out in favour of right wingers pre-selected by Team Keith being imposed and that this has caused dissent all over.


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