Kazarian Mafia deception

1 year ago

MAFIA? (Updated 26th March ‘22)
Beyond the “cover story.”

Prof Eric Jon Phelps. Best historian on the planet - Authour of “Vatican Assassins”.

Sept 2023
“Dear Brother Jim,
China is to conquer Australia after Taiwan and Japan.  Then it will sweep to Hawaii and take the islands, especially Maui prepared for the invaders.
Then it will attack California and the West Coast aided by the Russian Navy.
That is the plan.  This will end Western Civilization and the Protestant Reformation---if the Lord does not intervene.
Lord bless,
Brother Eric

Sept 2022
Dear Brother Jim,
1.        There is no Khazarian Mafia.  It is assumed by these propagandists that the Khazarians are really racial Jews.  Impossible!  There were Jews living in Khazaria during the 8th and 9th century until it fell in the 9th century.  But the Khazarian/Turkish gentile people never adopted the religion of Judaism.  Only King Bulan and his inner circle did so as a political decision to avoid Islam to the south and Russian Orthodoxy to the north.
2.       It has been a lie told for over 100 years that the Jews are in fact racial Khazarians.  This is a ploy to be able to blame the Jews as the font for the world conspiracy to allegedly vest all political power in the King of the Jews as per the propaganda titled The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion---authored by the Jesuits!
3.       There are Jews involved in the Order’s Great Conspiracy but they are Freemasons and subject to their Jesuit Gentile masters.
4.       The Crusades never went into Khazaria.  It was gone for over 100 years before the first Crusade in 1099.
5.       The founder of the Jesuits was not a Jew, but a Spanish Aragon Templar---Ignatius Loyola.  In 1593 Jews were banned from the Order until 1946 after WWII---Rome’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945).
6.       Napoleon was the great Avenger for the Jesuits due to their Suppression by the pope and the Roman Catholic monarch of Europe.
7.       In carrying out the Council of Trent, the Order used its trustees, the Rothschilds, to purchase all the stocks in the London Stock Exchange after King George III received the message that Napoleon had won the battle of Waterloo.  When the truth arrived, the stock arose again and the Order was then in total control of the Stock Exchange.  The Order did the same thing during the Stock Market Crash here in the US in 1929.  The Order’s agents in New York then purchased all the Corporate shares at their lowest price.  When the market came back, the Order controlled it entirely.
8.       Yes, the Order was in control of the British Crown since no later than 1760 when King George III came to power.  The Order merely obtained more power over the British Crown in 1815 when it obtained the London Stock Exchange by that great deception of Britain losing Waterloo.
9.       The Jesuits have controlled the British Commonwealth since 1760 and therefore everything the Crown and Parliament did benefitted the Order and further destroyed the Reformation around the world.  This control would continue under Queen Victoria I---another traitor to the Protestant Reformation.
10.   Your great White Protestant Australian Constitution has nothing to do with the Crown.  Your historic White Anglo Saxon Protestant nation is a sovereign nation though a member of the Commonwealth.
11.   Just break away from the Commonwealth, and then clean house executing all the traitors presently paving the way for your impending Asian invasion.
12.   At the time of the signing of the Australian Constitution, Victoria was indeed the Queen but England was not bankrupt and in receivership---yet.  That happened after WWII.
13.   The Commonwealth of Australia is most legitimate!  It is merely under military government since 1914 with the Defense of the Realm Act---Emergency.  The same is true for the USA.  The Republic of the United States of America is legitimate.  It is merely under its Emergency War Powers Military Government since 1933---thanks to the Scottish Rite Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Skull and Bonesmen and the Jesuits doing the bidding of the Pope!
14.   No, the deception wrought through the false report of the loss of the Battle of Waterloo never effected the legitimacy of your civilian Aussie Government.  That civilian government is merely OUSTED and temporarily replaced with Rome’s military government.
I trust this helps Brother Jim!
Lord bless,
Brother Eric

Eric Jon Phelps - A Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy Led by the Jesuits of Rome. “Your words inspire others... “

“Without history we remain as babes in diapers” - Cicero - Roman Senator 60BC.
(Rumble Video JimT62,
13 min)

Executive Intelligence Review.
American - Anti Discrimination League (ADL) criminality and International intel networks. Also, Cult Awareness Network (CAN) fascade and “deprogramming” THOUGHT CRIME. Ultimately working for the Jesuits.
MkUltra mind-control and Waco massacre USA 1993.

Jesuits Plan for Australia
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