2 years ago

RUSSIA - what went before will repeat now?

Much propaganda is being spread around the current Ukraine war theatre.

Biolabs, nuclear reactor dirty bombs, nuclear Wigmer dust, HAARP weapons, oil, wheat, economy, Russia/ChinaNth Korea new Axis alliance, Communist SCPS, looming Taiwan invasion, Islamic triggers, paedophile investigations, controlled opposition, Western traitor leaders with extreme political shifts.

All a smoke screen to distract and entertain away from the JabVaxx death weapons as the masses begin to die off.

The war theatre will escalate until it’s totally absorbed the mass media. SCPS will be installed for currency, compliance, treachery, informer enablement, and total “Dark Ages” Corporation controls with the genetic modification of the human race. 5G towers and iPhone MkUltra styled mind control included.

ALL SIDES are working together against the masses.

Knowing the past war habits of Putin will help with understanding the ruthless strategies of the Communist leaders against the West.

Meanwhile, the West is domestically plagued by traitor leaders intending to sacrifice our troops and other true patriots. They ultimately seek communist ruler ship, robotic armies and Artificial Intelligence controls.
Simon Whistler - Russia and Chechnya (you tube 30mins)

“Without history we remain as babes in diapers” - Cicero - Roman Senator 60BC.

If the true history of Russia and the Jesuits within is not understood, today’s Ukraine and ongoing escalations will not be understood.

The Jesuits will win unless, “we the people” make the effort to awaken.

Prof Eric Jon Phelps historian makes it simple and interesting enough to understand. Critical understanding.

Russia is controlled by the Jesuits. Prof Eric Jon Phelps.

Prof Eric Jon Phelps has offered to come to Australia and help our military and any decent Australian government overcome the current global genocide plans of the Jesuits. His offer still stands.

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