#191 Time Travel Kevin is back Part 1 of 2 : Adrenochrome, timelines, current events and so much more.. Patreon Chat this Sunday Oct 1st!

1 year ago

Whoops ! patreon chat is Sunday Oct 1st.
This gentleman shared his story for the first time publicly on TruthStream in January of 2023. He had only shared it with friends before and many do not believe him. We can not prove any of it but there was a sincerity to his voice, a thankfulness for allowing him to speak and he is sharing it for children. He not only has a child but wants to help any children he can from this happening to them. Please leave comments below in support of him and share with those who may resonate with it.

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Film and Music projects
A Perfect Life film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSTwkuYWoT0&t=24s
Lifting Veils music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTlxXiVuCeo
Freedom Now https://rumble.com/v27eso2-freedom-now.html
Landing page for streaming https://orcd.co/eodnn40

Products we endorse and are affiliated with

Methylene Blue, hemp oil, Non GMO food https://www.quantumcollective.world the Promo code is truth

Short video Blood Clot dissolver https://rumble.com/v2kxcrk-quick-update-heather-holmes-breakthrough-blood-clot-dissolver-blood-health-.html

Quantum Health and P2 Probiotics

Purium info: for incredible nutrition etc go to www.ishoppurium.com and type in truthstream for discount code.
interview with Ian https://rumble.com/v2bywnu-ian-farrar-health-and-wellness-expert-remove-glyphosate-elevate-your-health.html

Glutathione product
Neumi https://neumi.com/truthstream
Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant that impacts nearly every function in your body. It detoxifies your body's cells and it also recycles itself to increase the effectiveness of other antioxidants (Vitamins C, D, etc).

Holy Hydrogen Discount code https://holyhydrogen.com/TRUTHSTREAM

For Detox and cleansing metals from your body

Homepage of Ascent Nutrition: https://bit.ly/3tefjcu
Pine Needle Extract: https://bit.ly/3tbaZun
Algae Oil DHA: https://bit.ly/3TdOXBW
Full Spectrum Hemp Oil: https://bit.ly/3WKV1Vt
Coffee: https://bit.ly/3FZv0fk

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