人煮我又煮~一切從零開始~自學零失敗~低碳飲食~簡簡單單又一餐~韭菜花炒肉片~Stir-fried Pork Slices with Flowering Garlic Chives~

8 months ago


韭菜花炒肉片 (2人份)
Stir-fried Pork Slices with Flowering Garlic Chives (2 servings)

📌純文字版簡易食譜 Text-only Recipe:

📌材料 Ingredients:
豬肉片 Pork slices 300克(g)
韭菜花 Flowering Garlic Chives 150克(g)
蒜蓉 Minced garlic 1湯匙(tbsp)
薑蓉 Minced ginger 1湯匙(tbsp)

📌汁料 Sauce:
鰹魚粉 dashi stock powder 4克(g)
米酒 Rice wine 1湯匙(tbsp)
水 Water 1湯匙(tbsp)

📌醃料 Marinade:
生抽 Light soy sauce ½湯匙(tbsp)
麻油 Sesame oil ½湯匙(tbsp)
粟粉 Cornstarch ½湯匙(tbsp)

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