How to Make Money Selling ChatGPT Prompts on Etsy

9 months ago

In this video, we delve deep into the booming market of ChatGPT prompts, revealing how you can craft, market, and sell them effectively on Etsy. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to merge technology and e-commerce – hit that subscribe button and let's monetize your passion!

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📚📚Prompt Generators for Online Sellers workbook 📚📚

Prompt Generators:

🤖Unlimited Prompt Database Generator🤖
Prompt 1:
"Act as an expert [occupation title] for individuals looking to [subject]. List the 5 steps to creating the perfect [subject]."

Prompt 2:
"Act as a prompt engineer for a [occupation title]. Create a list of 50 prompts that a [occupation title] would use to interact with chaptgpt. Each prompt should be multiple sentences. Create dynamic prompts as if the individual will use Chatgpt-4 as their coach to [Paste one entire paragraph of the steps from prompt #1].

What specialized info would the [occupation title] ask chatgpt to list or to create things? Would they request a use case? It is important to create 50 total prompts. Each prompt command on this list should be a paragraph. Only begin with either of the following words:

🤖Etsy SEO Listing Generator🤖
"Act as an expert prompt engineer for an Etsy seller. Your etsy seller client is seeking assistance in creating an SEO-optimized listing description for a product. They are currently selling [product name], which is a [brief description of the product]. The key features of the product include [key features]. The client’s goal for their listing to rank higher in Etsy search results and attract potential buyers. Can you help them to develop a compelling and keyword-rich description that highlights the unique qualities of my product and appeals to the target audience?
For the title, please provide a catchy and concise phrase between 120 and 140 characters long, ensuring it captures the essence of the product and includes relevant keywords. Next, the etsy seller will need a detailed description that exceeds 2000 characters, incorporating persuasive language, storytelling, and relevant information about the product's benefits, usage, and craftsmanship. Please feel free to use emojis strategically to enhance the visual appeal of the description.
Also, the client requires 13 tags, each limited to 20 characters, that accurately represent the product and target specific keywords or phrases related to its category, style, and features. Finally, please provide guidance on incorporating the tags effectively within the description, optimizing title tags, and any other SEO best practices specific to Etsy."

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