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Opening A Letter From Obama

1 year ago

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president obama letter - a letter of condolence from former president barack obama was read at nipsey hussle's memorial service at staples center in downtown los angeles on thursday.
every day president obama reads ten letters from the public in order to stay in tune with america's issues and concerns. dear president obama: "we will give him a family".
former president barack obama sends letter honoring nipsey hussle | nbc news. former president barack obama penned an open letter to librarians across the nation while joining one chicago library’s campaign against book bans...
the contents of former president obama's inauguration day letter to president trump the last direct communication between the 44th and 45th presidents has emerged for the first time after cnn obtained a copy.
after seeing a distressing photo of a young boy in syria alex wrote a letter asking president obama to help bring that boy to america so he could be part of alex's family.

on "forbes newsroom " barack obama biographer david garrow spoke about interviewing the former girlfriend of former president obama sheila miyoshi jager...


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