Keir Starmer might be plotting a return to the EU after all…

9 months ago

Keir Starmer claims he just wants to tweak the Brexit deal he voted for, but video footage from the past suggests he wants more.
Right, so Keir Starmer is to lies, what day is to night, the sun is to the moon, what Tom is to Jerry, he lies like a rug, but surprisingly for a change, it isn’t alternative media solely calling him out for his latest example of rank dishonesty, which I’ll come onto presently, made all the more surprising given the Tories are dominating the headlines at the moment with talk of meat taxes and seven bins and co-ordinated industrial action by junior doctors and consultants, as what many have been reporting on as a sensible Brexit position to take, his review or his rewrite of the deal, his desire to get a better deal than we have now on trade on national security, but absolutely no chance of entering into the single market again or into a new customs union. So on the face of it he was appealing to businesses and business leaders who have complained about how bad the Brexit deal has been for them, a deal Starmer incidentally voted for, so there’s the first bit of dishonesty to this story, just a snifter though, there’s more to come. It’ll be bitterly disappointing to those remainers, the FBPE hashtaggers, Follow Back, Pro EU as that stands for, who have ardently supported him even whilst Corbyn was still leader, calling Corbyn a secret leaver and hailing Starmer as the second coming of EU membership. Well it doesn’t go nearly far enough for most of them, but of course some are determined that he must be lying in order to deliver this and we should support him because secretly, he’ll take us back in. But he doesn’t want to be appealing to them now, he wants to be appealing to the Brexit leavers. Labour lost the red wall over their position on Brexit going into the 2019 General Election, a situation Starmer, the then shadow Brexit Secretary had himself set up, calling for a second referendum with remain as an option at the 2018 Labour Conference and destroying his own party’s electoral chances. His faction failed to regain power in 2017, they found something to hurt Corbyn electorally in 2019 though and so their little plot worked and we know it was such a plot, because Starmer dropped the topic of Brexit like a hot potato from the time he became Labour leader, up until now really. So there’s yet more dishonesty In relation to all of this. You know one thing we don’t talk about so much is what Corbyn’s position actually was in 2018 before Starmer’s act of sabotage. He was sitting on the fence is what most people thought, he wasn’t getting a great deal of coverage on such things, the media far more fixated on destroying him in the interests of the establishment class, however not being in power and with the Tories at each others throats and completely divided, it seemed an unhelpful thing to come out with a bespoke position of Labour’s own, hence Starmer coming out with one subsequently became an act of sabotage.


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