Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Depression

9 months ago

Struggling with anxiety or depression?

This immersive visualization meditation guides you to a place of serenity, self-compassion and inner strength.

🌿 Intro:

Find a comfortable position, sitting up or lying down—whichever feels most relaxing.

Gently close your eyes, or keep them open with a soft gaze, and take a few deep breaths.

🌅 Body:

Bring your awareness to your body.

Notice any tension or heaviness.

Inhale deeply, visualizing light filling these spaces.

Exhale slowly, letting darkness dissolve.

Now, focus on your breath.

Feel your belly rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation.

Keep your attention anchored here in the present.

See thoughts and emotions as clouds passing through the sky.

Let them drift by without following or clinging to them.

Keep returning to your breath.

🌳 Outdoors:

Picture a beautiful, tranquil nature sanctuary—a safe and peaceful place.

Immerse yourself in its sights, sounds, and smells.

Feel serenity all around you.

When feelings of anxiety or depression arise, gently return to your inner sanctuary.

You have the power to guide your mind.

Trust that this too shall pass.

Dark clouds eventually move on, revealing clear blue skies again.

Your true nature is whole and at peace.

🌱 Affirmations:

Repeat affirmations like "I am strong," "I am loved," "This moment is a fresh start."

Plant seeds of hope and self-compassion.

Visualize your heart center radiating vibrant, emerald green light.

Feel this light soothing your mind, energizing your body, awakening your spirit.

🌞 Outro:

When you're ready, gently open your eyes, feeling present and grounded.

Remember your inner tools to navigate challenging moments with mindfulness and self-care.

You have the power to heal and find balance again.

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