Was Peter actually in Rome? ❤️ A dialogue in the Beyond with a handful of obstinate Church Spirits

1 year ago

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Was Peter actually in Rome?

A dialogue in the Beyond between Peter and a handful of obstinate Church Spirits

Jesus Christ reveals thru Jakob Lorber… From Hell to Heaven

Robert Blum – Chapter 259

1. We find ourselves now in a place called Frohnleiten, where a whole group of spirits emerges from the local parish church and converges on our location, carefully inquiring us about where we came from, whither we are heading and who we are.

2. Peter steps foward and speaks: “We come from on high and are on a short journey through the realms below, in search of the lost sheep and lambs, to chastise the rams and lay waste to the wolves.” The spirits respond: “Aha, so you must be missionaries from Rome, hence ordained by the Pope himself for this vital ministry!?”

3. Says Peter: “Oh my dear ones, we are indeed missionaries, but not ordained by your blind Pope, but by God, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Whosoever among you wishes to follow us shall be accepted by us for the Kingdom of God. Those who refuse to follow us will be left as they are on this desolate Earth. May no one ask us again who we are and what our names are! For those who will not do as we say right here, right now, shall not be accepted.”

4. Say the spirits: “If you are not ordained and sent by the holy Pope, then we cannot follow you, for God the Lord has placed everything in his hands. Whatever he binds on Earth is bound in heaven as well, and whatever he looses upon Earth is also loosed in heaven. So, if you are not sent by the Pope, then you could only have been sent by hell, where all heretics come from, those who also claim they have gone forth from God and that He is their Father – all the while their true father is Satan. Just move along!”

5. Says Peter: “How do you know that the Pope has received such immense power from God the Lord?” Says a woman with a truly massive tome of prayers in her hand: “Well, the whole world knows that! God has given Peter all might, and thereafter, Peter passed it on to every Pope to come. And thus is every Pope an equal to Peter himself! Has his lordship understood this?!”

6. Says Peter: “This sounds quite funny to my ears, as I myself am that same Peter into whose hands God the Lord has placed the spiritual keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. I know nothing of passing on this God-given power to the Roman Pope, just as I never had my seat in Rome. Paul, an apostle to the heathens, has lived under the tyrannical reign of Emperor Nero for quite some time, but not ever the actual Peter! How then should I have been able to appoint a Pope as my successor and pass on the power God Himself has bestowed upon me?”

7. Yells the woman: “Away with you, Satan! Just look at this fellow! Now he claims to be the holy Peter himself! It is not enough that the hellish heretics dismiss Christ’s doctrine, which belongs solely to the Pope; now they seek to be the Lord God Himself! Be on your way now, otherwise we will drive you out of here by force!”

8. Say I (the Lord): “Brother Simon, for the time being is all effort here in vain; these individuals will need at least another 200 years before they become more insightful. Hence, let us move on, but first I shall let you shine for a moment with the glory of heaven, so these obstinate ones may recognize you. Thereafter we shall disappear from their sight in an instant. This vision shall serve them as a guiding star, whose glow will lead them more and more towards the true path of life!”

9. At that very moment Peter begins to shine like the midday sun. All the spirits recoil in fear, but we disappear immediately. As the spirits regain their composure and intend to fall down before us, they see no one anymore. Shortly thereafter they begin to cry and wail, cursing their blindness.

10. An entire council of monks hastens from the church towards the wailing ones, instructing them in proper papal fashion that this manifestation was nothing but a spook work from hell. But the spirits attack the monks, ready to massacre them, and the monks flee to their cloister. The spirits laugh them to scorn, leaving the place and moving to the mountains. And so ends this scene in Frohnleiten.

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