
9 months ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

Fifth column • clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation's solidarity by any means at their disposal. The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his "fifth column."

- Britannica

Prior service, Jameson and the younger prior service Marine; showcase an unusual occurrence. What both Marine vets are missing, goes beyond there experience. Both would have been in Special Operations or any of the intelligence communities; to fully understand what they've shown.

To get a clear perspective as to what is transpiring, one must understand the military and also its significance in the change of bureaucratic systems. Most of those enlisting in the military come from the South or Midwest; due to traditional values and patriotism. That's why when you see military movies, based on actual events; you'll hear these regional accents.

Those seeking to build a future for themselves but have little in the way of opportunities, will often join the military as well. Recruiters will inform potential enlistees the military is more than fighting wars and tell them about career options.

For those that are looking for a technical career, they join the Navy, Air Force or Space Force. All of which requires a strong academic background. Everyone looking to help community: Coast Guard or National Guard. In all cases, one does not sign up for any combat arms duty, unless you love the country and are willing to die for it.

Even in the Marine Corps or Army, there are other jobs besides combat arms assignments. Apply to any branch of the military, one has to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). How the test results are, allows a person to select what job positions are available. Combat arms is not the lowest in the field options are.

In the Army, a person that qualifies for infantry, would also be able to get a career as a motor transport operator. Which can later be parlayed into truck driver, in the civilian sector.

Another position: food service specialist. Having that as a military profession, leads to any culinary arts and that can potentially pay large amounts of money. Both of these options actually require a lower ASVAB score then infantry.

In the Marines, a person that's fit for infantry, would also qualify to be a packaging specialist. All of which shows that these graduates for infantry didn't have to be in infantry. Those going in, would had to have gone for ulterior motives. It goes against the usual demographics and psychological patterns of behavior, unless a different objective is sought.

There have been numerous instances of people joining the military to get the know how to conduct combat tactics. This could be the case with these women but the other possibility is to flood the military to be Woke

When it comes to illegal bureaucratic changes to the system; the biggest concern for those doing so, is the military and law enforcement. They are after all, the ones with the resources to stop the change.

That's why dictators always change the leaders in those positions, with people they trust but will also do purges, in the event any of them get ambitious. By filling the ranks in the military with those that loyal to the cause, the overthrowers create their own Sturmabteilung.

By having a Sturmabteilung, those in power will have unquestioning drive to push for their dream state. Compassion and understanding is not part of their psychological makeup. The type of people sought:






The political field and various agencies have been compromised, including the military. There are numerous amounts of evidence to back that statement:





Back when the rule of law mattered; the allowing of policies that in essence weakened the military; would have a full investigation. The results: at the very least discharged from service (military). Those politicians, removed from any committees involving national security. Keep in mind, that's the very least that could happen.








The problem is systemic. Despite how bleak everything appears, the checks and balances that the Founding Fathers created, is what protects from a full take over. Though the various political leaders are compromised, there's enough Supreme Court Justices that keep America from falling into a complete take over.

Though it is legally possible to make a completely different America, there would be a major effort to do so. The Constitution wouldn't allow for the changes made by the current administration and would be stricken down in court. The only means in which to change the entire country is to have a Constitutional Convention. Only in that frame work, can the societal changes can be made. Again that is it were to be done legally.

To fix the problem...one means that does NOT work, is via hostile revolt. That's never succeeded and puts those involved as propaganda tools. Those that are the same persuasion, end up going to prison...so that's a bad idea.

What would be of most effect is joining groups to legally target weak areas in the administration and in mass, use the courts to flood the powers that be with legal suits. It would have an intense effect, if these cases were to destroy the credibility of corporate media. Two events that would fit such pursuits:



The most obvious, back politicians that aren't pushing this agenda. An important guide to doing so:



Last is to boycott every company that supports the Woke movement.


It should be noted, all the recommendations are found in the description section. The videos are helpful to see the problem but often times do not give out useful information.

The last aspect to all this...the Founding Fathers ultimate check and balance to our nation was the average citizen. Citizen that would care enough, as to what happened to the country; to use the rights given; to legally make change. By sharing information with everyone you know and they too, doing the same...we can have our country back.

In closing, the host of the video: Jameson. As mentioned earlier, he's a Marine vet; a patriot fighting the Woke movement and exposing "Stolen Valor" (people who make false claims of being in the military or say they served in units or got medals they did not). If you'd like to support his work or say a simple "thank you for your service," here's his contact information below:




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