A Great Alternative to the “Sniffari”

9 months ago

In the latest episode of the staff podcast, Michelle and Bridget go into great detail about their new experiences in the scent work classes they both recently enrolled in. They have each loved the opportunity to be a student again and learn something new about dogs and the ways they are trained. Scent work also gives your dog an appropriate outlet to engage their nose and explore the environment around them. Intense smelling is a a behavior that we usually try to avoid when walking our dogs. However, some dog breeds are more inclined to want to smell everything, and it’s extremely fulfilling to them. The new term “sniffari” has been circulating in the dog training recently. It’s essentially a walk dedicated ENTIRELY to sniffing. And while we want to allow dogs to engage their senses and have that outlet, by dedicating a walk just to sniffing where typically the dog would need to be focused in, we can really confuse them and lose that structure. We recommend instead of a walk just for sniffing, to take breaks during a structured walk to allow your dog to sniff and engage with the environment.

To watch the rest of Ep.31, head to our YouTube channel!

#snaffari #decompressionwalk #dogwalk #structuredwalking #dogtrainers #dogtraining

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