Cancer update: 5 months after diagnoses, 15 weeks of alternative treatment

9 months ago

We are now 5 months or 22 weeks since my 4th cancer diagnosis.
After getting a grip on my situation and researching my options, I have been on my alternative cancer treatment protocol for 15 weeks without a doctor's supervision. No doctor, no pharmacy. I finished 5 cycles of 3 weeks and am currently doing cycle 6.
As I explained in previous videos, every 21-day cycle consists of 4 days of water fasting (the green areas in the graph) and 17 days of strict ketogenic eating (the white areas). The non-toxic medications are taken across the 21 days.
The vertical axe on the left shows my body weight in kilograms.
The horizontal axe is the timeline.
The orange line shows the fluctuation of my body weight in time.
In the green fasting zones, you see the steep drops in weight. The eating days in the white areas are in a caloric surplus to regain weight before the next fast.
The first 3 cycles of 9 weeks went perfectly.
In cycles 4 and 5 however, I did not regain initial weight.
Overall, I have lost 2kg over 15 weeks, which is not bad considering the 20 days of fasting.
What worries me a little, is that according to my nutrition app, I ate all calories to regain the weight, fasting days included, even with a small surplus. I can't explain these 2 kilograms that disappeared. Assuming these are fat, 18'000 calories went missing in a system that worked like a Swiss watch for the first 9 weeks. I have to keep my eyes on the ball.
Strength-wise, my lifting numbers are the same as at the beginning of the therapy 15 weeks ago, so I probably maintained muscle mass.
At this point, I have no information on the evolution of the cancer inside my body. I feel pretty good. No visible lumps, no symptoms or complaints. But I have no data on whether my cancer grew, metastasized, or spread to other organs. So, I ordered 2 scans to monitor the situation in the coming weeks.
Firstly, a PET scan will screen my entire body for cancer and get a reliable total overview.
Secondly, a local ultrasound will check the groin area, where my first metastases were found, to screen for lumps, tumors, or swollen lymph nodes.
So, I will continue my strict alternative treatment protocol for a few more weeks. Then comes judgment day.

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