A Church Servant speaks harsh Truths for the Eminence of Rome ❤️ Revelation by Jesus thru Lorber

9 months ago

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Chapter 230 - The Celebrant continues. More shocks for Rome’s eminence

1. A parson close the Cardinal (the Church Servant) says: “You miserable fellow, you can thank the endless gentleness and patience of the only true Church’s silent prayer, a prayer for you, a lost sheep, even whilst you tried your best to deal it mortal blows. Just cease to disparage God’s festively adorned bride, or the Church will leave you out of its prayer for the salvation of your soul, and then the Earth will open up beneath your feet to swallow you forever!”

2. Here, the Church Servant bursts out into laughter, saying derisively: “Oh you gentle mummy; when hellish cruelty and stupidity fail, will the wolf be sown back into the lamb’s wool with a gentle face? O, there is nothing quite like such gentleness and patience!

3. How gentle the Church was during the notorious crusades! How gladly it put the widows and orphans, whose husbands it had killed by means of the Caraceans, into the cloisters, after first letting them gift it their goods and treasures. Oh the divine gentleness, which the Church never lacked, back when I was still alive upon the Earth. (for, you good gentlemen will surely know by now that we no longer live in the flesh upon this Earth, and that for quite some time)

4. A priest interrupts: “That’s a lie! We all still live on Earth, otherwise we would have to either find ourselves in hell, purgatory, or even in Heaven!”

5. Says the Church Servant: “We are definitely in the Spirit world, whether you all believe or not; hence I reiterate: When I lived on Earth, I still had much faith in the Church, but after hearing of the holy Spanish Inquisition, and how gently it treated its lost lambs, my opinion changed drastically. What have these hundreds of thousands of people done to be so dreadfully burned, and that for the greater glory of God? In amazement, I enquired, and the crude answer went as follows: 'Because they read the Bible and, therefore, turned into accursed heretics!' Oh Lord, I called out within myself, is it possible that those people, who sought your most holy word, should find such reward, a reward in the form of Roman murderers? Lord, have you no lightning or floods, with which to annihilate Spain and Rome forever?!

6. Soon, God’s answer came down from the high Heavens, slowly but surely. Although I did not live to hear it upon Earth, I did perceive it so much more vividly here, in the Spirit world. Where is the proud and boisterous Rome over here, and what of the Pope? Except for a few blind donkeys who still stick to their 'God’s representative on Earth', everyone laughs and scorns at him, hating and despising him everywhere.

7. Even in Italy itself they are now gradually beginning to sow in one Archbishop after another, and rightly so! This is what these despots deserve, for they have always been mankind’s worst enemies, and in contrast they were ever greater friends with the gold and silver.

8. Peter once said to a poor devil, who was begging him for alms: 'I have no gold and silver, but what I have, of that I give to thee!' Would a pope ever say that to a poor person? Such a perfect 'successor' to Peter could only say: 'While I do posses an abundance of gold and silver, I will not give any of it to you, instead, I bestow upon you my apostolic blessing, which costs me nothing. Now go thy way in peace! Even if you should die of hunger along the way, after three days in purgatory, your soul will be in Paradise at once, where it will fare well enough!'

9. Did not the great Paul militate like a lion against the ostentatious clothing and all the titles that these people like to assume?


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