Surprise! Maintenance Starts NOW (Part 2) [EP16] Dear Food Podcast

9 months ago

🎉 Dear Food Workbook Two – Chapter 1 (Part 2) 🎉
In today's episode, we're celebrating your victories on your journey to health, joy, and food freedom. Share your triumphs, big or small, by emailing Julia at with the subject "I have a victory." Your story could inspire others!

🌎 The Dear Food program is now available in the United States, Canada, and the UK, and you can find it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and Target.

👏 Today, we're highlighting Ella A's victory from her review of Workbook 2. She found our unique approach to understanding food patterns and the importance of a loving relationship rooted in Jesus truly transformative.

🔍 Our focus today is on the "Six Ps of Progress": Perspective, Practice, Perseverance, Prayer, Positivity, and Patience.

1️⃣ Perspective: See the big picture and understand that real maintenance begins with the first step.

2️⃣ Practice: Repeatedly implement what you know works for your health, even when it's challenging.

3️⃣ Perseverance: Healthy living takes time and endurance; endure discomfort and stay the course.

4️⃣ Prayer: Bring your food struggles to the Lord in prayer, and let His strength guide you.

5️⃣ Positivity: Embrace trials as opportunities for growth, and rejoice in your progress.

6️⃣ Patience: Ask for the gift of patience from the Holy Spirit and trust that it will help you endure.


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Dear Food, I Love You. I Hate You. Don’t Leave Me!

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Thank you for blessing me, and the Dear Food Community!

Disclaimer: Julia Fikse, FMCHC, NBC-HWC is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, specializing in Emotional Eating as well as Mental Health and Weight Loss. Julia has personally experienced the frustration of weight gain, weight loss, weight related health issues and emotional eating challenges. Julia is not a therapist or a doctor and this should not in any way replace doctor’s advice.

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