How to Deal with Uncertainty

4 years ago

Hello, Awesome Humans! I'm Nataly Kogan and today, I want to share with you 3 of my favorite tips to help you deal with uncertainty!
This is the fourth part of the video series on how to avoid burning out, and today we will focus on practical ways to handle uncertainty with less stress.

Uncertainty is part of life and it can be really stressful.

Remember that your brain's main focus is to keep you safe from danger and when things are uncertain, that becomes harder to do. So your brain releases a lot of stress hormones and makes up all kinds of worst-case-scenario stories to give itself a sense of control amidst uncertainty.

But there are absolutely things you can do to reassure your brain and help it handle uncertainty with less stress and anxiety:

1. You Don't Have to Accept Your Brain's Thoughts
- Recognize that just because your brain offers you a stressful thought about the future doesn't mean you have to go along with it
• Remember you are in charge of your brain
• Learn to become aware when your brain is making up stories

2. Give Yourself Permission to Think About the Worse Case Scenario
- Think about the worst thing that can happen and get specific about it
- Ruminating and worrying is different from clearly thinking through what might happen
• Reassure your brain that even if the worst happens, you can get through it

3. Zoom in on the Present!
- Bring your brain's thoughts and focus from the future and thinking about all the uncertainty to the present moment
• Ask: What can I do today to help myself be at my best for whatever I'm doing?
• Practicing gratitude is a great way to refocus your brain on the present -- and it increases your resilience to help you work through the challenges and uncertainty ahead of you

Inspired By:

Coping With Uncertainty

Matt D'Avella
How to deal with uncertainty

#Uncertainity #Motivation #Happiness

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