Apatros Action 52 Masochist: Chapter 31 - Sharks

9 months ago

I guess you can consider this something of an 8-bit version of "Jaws" in some esoteric manner...

Anyway, this is a game on the NES multicart of "Action 52" where you play a diver armed with what could either be a harpoon gun or an underwater blaster [whichever the case, it has infinite ammo] which you use to blast away any shark that shows up. There are grey sharks & white sharks, which makes this a bit of a challenge as they come from both sides & while you can turn in either direction, take care when moving yourself into the right position to make a kill.

Other than that, this is a pretty dodgy game as the sharks you need to kill to clear each level is pretty significant & they take ages to spawn in, making this something of a test of the player's patience.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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