What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy? With Andrea Dunlop

1 year ago

In this episode, I talk with Andrea Dunlop about the often misunderstood and underreported issue of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP), a form of child abuse where caregivers fabricate or induce illnesses in children for attention. Andrea, an author and consultant based in Seattle, brings personal insight to the topic; her older sister has been investigated twice for MSBP. We discuss hard-to-spot signs like frequent unexplained illnesses in the child and caregivers resisting external involvement in the child's medical care. Andrea's work is pivotal in educating people about the psychological motivations and impact of MSBP on both victims and perpetrators, emphasizing the crucial need for awareness and resources. Her commitment is helping shed light on this complex form of abuse and offering invaluable support to affected families.

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