5 Most Important Habits to Protect Your Brain ft. Dr Boz - Annette Bosworth [Part 1] | SBD Ep 305

1 year ago

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It’s always good to have friends back on the Strong By Design podcast show. And one of our favorite guests over the years is the one and only Dr. Boz, Annette Bosworth MD.

And yes, she is back to talk about one of her favorite subjects, the brain.

Dr. Boz has a great passion for brain health and function. She has spent thousands of hours studying the brain, how it ages, how to optimize it and how it deteriorates.

Today Dr. Boz and host Chris Wilson take a deep dive into the FIVE most important habits to protect our brains. If there is one mystery organ, we have in our body that we collectively find captivating, it is most certainly the brain.

“I was frustrated, like how do you fix depression?” - Dr Boz - Annette Bosworth

🎧 Listen to the FULL Episode on your favorite Podcast Platform:
iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-most-important-habits-to-protect-your-brain-ft-dr/id1383270948?i=1000627717328
SMARTLINK - https://link.chtbl.com/sbdep305

Time Stamps
01:13 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast
4:43 - Get to know today's special guest, Dr. Boz - Annette Bosworth
07:40 - Dr. Boz shares how the 'Keto Diet' saved her mom
12:11 - The truth about aging: Health span vs. Life span
18:33 - Discover Dr. Boz's passion for brain function
27:39 - The art and science of brain exploration
31:30 - Age and Brain: What sets apart a 10-year-old from a 60-year-old? 
36:00 - Dr. Boz reveals the brain's secret weapon
43:00 - Aging vs. Brain deterioration: What do you FEAR most?
46:04 - Dr. Boz recounts the beginning of her YouTube journey
53:14 - Dr. Boz recounts the impact of one patient who completely redefined her future
56:00 - Understanding the Mild Cognitive Decline
58:06 - Are these daily habits damaging your cognitive health?

BozMD.com: https://bozmd.com/

Connect w/ Dr. Boz:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.AnnetteBosworth
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drboz_annettebosworthmd/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DoctorBoz

Connect w/ CriticalBench:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/criticalbench
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/criticalbench
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thecriticalbench
Official Websites: http://www.CriticalBench.com and https://www.strongbydesignpodcast.com/ 


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