Narcissism=Toxic Masculinity, Capitalism?

9 months ago

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Collapse of traditional gender roles and gender vertigo (Barbara Risman) exacerbated by sex fluidity

Caricatured, performative, exaggerated masculinity adopted by both sexes (Lisa Wade, Sczesny)

Toxic masculinity emphasizes dominance, goal orientation, defiance, possession, and hierarchy (fake alpha male) over team work, leadership, sharing, compassion, and empathy (true alpha male)

Toxic masculinity goes hand in hand with Darwinian (jungle) capitalism, urbanization, consumerism, and spectacle. These are all zero sum games which emphasize escapism within artificial counter-realities.

Both toxic masculinity and jungle (Anglo-Saxon) capitalism are founded on relentless and ruthless ambition and adversarial competition.

Spectacle thrives on negative emotions, self-preoccupation, self-promotion, and make-believe fantasy - the hallmarks of narcissism. Even justice becomes a retributive reality show with defendants as gladiators.

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