My 1st PRS match review

1 year ago

Well, I went and forgot to set up my camera and film my first match!! I was so flustered and rushing trying to keep up as the stages flew by that I didn't realize I forgot about my camera until I put my rifle in my bag at the end. Brain fart!!! Figured I'd talk through the whole thing and try to describe how it went and show some pictures of the area.
I got off to a rough start. The first 2 stages spanked me down pretty hard, lol. Then I got my groove by the 3rd stage and started putting rounds on steel. By the prone stages, I had a better idea what to expect. But my Kestrel was wonky and giving me wrong directions. So I manually adjusted the directions on it and went with the data it gave. Ended up doing well on the prone stages. Those were fun!!

Now that I've gotten through the first one, I see what I need to work on to get better. The positional stuff for sure. Also acquiring my targets faster and changing distances quickly. I ran out of time on every stage, which was to be expected. Once I settled my nerves after the first 2 stages, I slowed down and focused on getting hits instead of rushing to try and get to every target. That made a huge difference.

Ended up 5th overall! So really good for my first try, at least according to everyone that was there. I'm excited to keep going down this road and improve my skills further. Make sure and stay tuned to see what else I do in the future!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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