Starmer & Co suspend rebel Sheffield councillors for doing their jobs.

9 months ago

Starmer presides over more local councillor suspensions for having the temerity to stand up for their constituents & not him.
Right, so the Starmeroid takeover of local Labour organisations up and down the country seems to be spreading like a plague of locusts right now and I’ve covered numerous examples of this, from Liverpool to Hackney, Broxtowe to Uxbridge, Carmarthen and Wirral West the list just keeps getting longer as Councillors are driven out and right wingers take over, boundary changes are used as a front to parachute in preferred right wing Starmer friendly candidates and up and down the country ordinary Labour members are saying no, we’re not having this, and campaigning gets suspended, they down tools, the stop volunteering, Labour locally collapses and the regime just thinks we can stuff whoever in here, not necessarily people who know the area, local Labour will refuse to work with or campaign for them, the entire boots on the ground strategy that Labour has always relied on falls apart. And Starmer seems to think he can fix that by narcissistically plastering his own face all over the handbook for Labour’s upcoming conference. Look at it, he’s overdone the blusher for a start, trying to convince us there’s some colour in his cheeks when he’s greyer than John Major’s spitting image puppet most of the time, doing that peering off into the distance thing he does, I’m sure he thinks it makes him look determined, to me it looks like some corporate donor has their arm up his backside, ready to make him say whatever will win him some money for party coffers. That or it’s Mandelson. His dad was a toolmaker, perhaps he had a sideline in puppets though, because Keith’s got strings on him and others are pulling them, plus he’s as astute as a plank of wood when it comes to political performance. At any rate and whatever you make of Starmer’s vanity here, let’s not forget the authoritarianism going on because just in the last few days yet another example has come out of the clampdown on dissent happening in more and more pockets around the country. This time we’re in Sheffield where the Starmer regime has just suspended 7 of it’s won councillors on Sheffield City Council, for voting against the Labour whip at full council over the Local Plan, which is an extremely long winded process to get one of these approved, they are inordinately expensive, involve a lot of work, a lot of consultations, and affect a great many things relating to Council business, not least planning, the environment, businesses and a lot more.


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