Vidal Speaks- Mucoid Plaque Cleanse Results!

6 years ago

Today's video I tell you about my amazing experience in removing 8 feet of mucoid plaque. I believe I have more to get out but already feeling the changes in my intestinal track and I can't wait to share the experience with you guys and teach you about the dangers of mucoid plaque and the importance of getting it out of us. But until recently I had no idea you could remove this much plaque so easily. So be sure to listen and comment or ask questions if you have them because I will answer them! Mucoid plaque is a rubber like substance that is lining our intestinal track. It comes from years of eating the wrong foods: breads, starches, meat, cheese and other dairy products, processed foods and all the usual SAD foods. Even if you are 10 years a raw foodist you will have the 20-30 feet of mucoid plaque because all of us ate the wrong foods before we got on the healthy journey and it is those years that formed all the plaque. I thought there is no way to remove it without taking drastic measures such as long juice feasting or water fasting ... until I discovered 2 bowel cleanses that work fast and in a short period of time. I feel so passionate now to teach others how to cleanse the intestinal track at the start of their detox journey so all the other dietary changes can heal us much faster. When we clean the intestinal track first it can help the lymph, liver, kidneys and other organs work faster in their detox. In some way I am happy my juice feast failed because I learned that cleaning the intestinal track is the pre-requisite to any health challenge or dietary health protocol. Thank you universe for bringing me this valuable info!

Here are some interesting links:

Richard Anderson Story and great video:

Arise and Shine website:

If you are interested in buying the mucoid cleanse product contact me at:
(I charge the same price as the company & would appreciate your support but also I can offer cleanse coaching to help you get thru it with as few toxic crisis symptoms as possible. However you can also buy only the product and no coaching).

Vidal Speaks Podcast or youtube videos are about applying the art of detoxification & lifestyle medicine to your daily life to regenerate & regain or improve your health. Learn how to put your health in your own hands by using nature’s powerful God given medicines as it was intended. Vidal speaks about using natural remedies such as homeopathy, herbs or other natural healing modalities, along with a plant-based vegan, mostly raw, mostly fruit diet in order to detox & regenerate to find total wellness. Many lies are being fed to us that have resulted in a world filled with sickness. Learn truths that shock you, hear stories to inspire you & get ready to take action to turn your health around. You can choose to get on the wellness path once & for all! Vidal, a certified homeopath, iridologist & detox regeneration practitioner, interviews experts in detail.
Knowledge is Power - Health is Freedom!  Be Healthy, Be Free, LIVE LIFE!

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