Why exactly do we need abortion through 8 months of pregnancy or longer?

1 year ago

The modern-day Democratic Party and the modern-day “pro-choice” movement are both resoundingly pro-abortion.

“Safe, legal, and rare” (a Democrat, Clinton slogan) is actually something the majority of Americans (not including myself) can agree upon. If you’re not willing to stand behind the RARE part, then you’re every bit as extreme as you believe people like myself to be.

Also, no modern American woman is “born into a world without access to abortion.” Post-Roe, you may need to drive, travel, take more time off work, spend money you don’t have—but still, you have access. There are states within the USA that will give you an abortion any time, without question, even as an out-of-state resident.
I’m sorry if you think it’s unfair that you might have to travel such great distances, but for two straight years, you all told me to just pick and move from CA (my lifelong home) if I didn’t want to wear a mask or take an experimental shot or pretend endlessly like I’m sick. I trust you can do the same—maybe more easily than I ever could.
Also, don’t kill your offspring.

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