if i'm not right i'll make it worth your while to be wrong

1 year ago

maybe i hate hypocrisy w/ a passion
i don't enjoy being judgmental
i really don't wanna know, i'll just assume that it's paid actors
i already had this problem w/ amerihaha long before the internet took over
our ancestors are turning in their graves
i'm getting so annoyed right now
go bitch w/ yer bright ass lights
i try to sing too fast n i fuck it up
don't let complaining stop you
i'll figure out i'm wrong eventually cos i'll look it up
i can't go wrong trusting my instinct
i hope it's the pearly gates, damnit
stand up is really hard when they are not on board
live music is way more appealing than stand up
they dunno how to laugh cos they dunno how to joke cos they dunno how to observe
JUST KILL YOURSELF!!! will always be my advice
suicide is a running theme for comedians
i ain't punchin another comedian, not my thing
i ain't making jokes at their expense since they are already killing themselves
this shit ain't funny to me and it will infiltrate everything

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